The Impact of PUOB Healthcare Application

As you are well aware, we revolutionized our healthcare services by adopting the use of the PUOB Healthcare application. This memo seeks to ask for your feedback on your experiences using the application, including both positive and negative experiences. This also includes the feedback from the patients, what are their experiences and what do they think about the application?

You are also much welcomed to give feedback on what you think works well, what can be removed or changed in order to make it more efficient.

Furthermore, kindly share with us different ways which you have used to successfully used to mobilize patients to use the application. This will help us in mobilizing even more patients to adopt the app and make our healthcare delivery much better.

Thank you.

Works Cited

Marsh, Charles, David W. Guth, and Bonnie Poovey Short. Strategic writing: Multimedia writing for public relations, advertising and more. Routledge, 2017.

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