The Poetry of Andrew Marvell

Marvell's Style and Metaphysical Wit Marvell's style is a combination of the traditional neoclassical tradition and metaphysical wit. He often infused familiar forms with conceits, reflections, and analogies that reflect larger questions about life. In this vein, he was described by T.S. Eliot as a "witter" and a "witterish genius." Metaphysical Wit Andrew...

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A Place to Stand by Jimmy Santiago Baca

A Place to Stand follows the path of poet Jimmy Santiago Baca from his childhood abandonment on a New Mexico ranch to his incarceration in the United States federal prison system. Although illiterate at the time of his arrest, he learned to read and write in order to survive his...

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The Nightingale Tattoo

The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah is an historical fiction novel that is set during World War II. Set in France, the novel follows two sisters who try to resist German occupation. Their struggles are both inspiring and heartbreaking. The novel was published by St. Martin's Press...

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One Art by Elizabeth Bishop

One Art One Art is a poem by Elizabeth Bishop that was first published in The New Yorker in 1976. It later appeared in a collection of Bishop s work entitled Geography III. The poem is a good example of a work that exemplifies the beauty of poetry. Bishop was the...

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The Four Quartets by T.S Eliot

T.S. Eliot's Poetry T.S. Eliot's poetry is famous for its self-subsistent structure and musicality. Many readers considered the collection of poems to be a single work. Despite its musicality, Eliot's poetry made an indelible impression on its audience. Even those who disavowed Christian beliefs recognized Eliot's intellectual integrity. Eliot received the...

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Lady Lazarus by Sylvia Plath

In this article, I'll analyze the theme of suicide in Sylvia Plath's poem, Lady Lazarus, and the similarities between Lady Lazarus and the biblical figure Lazarus. I'll also explore the imagery of seduction in this piece, and my conclusion is that the poem is a fascinating exploration of female sexuality....

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A Poison Tree by William Blake

A Poison Tree - A Poem by William Blake A Poison Tree is a poem by William Blake published in Songs of Experience in 1794. It is a story of a narrator whose repressed anger leads him to murder. Read this poem and you'll see why it's an important poem. It's...

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The Seafarer by Bruce Meyer

The Seafarer The Seafarer is a collection of poetry by Canadian author Bruce Meyer. Meyer is director of the creative writing program at the University of Toronto and teaches at several Canadian universities. In his collection, he argues that "The Seafarer" depicts a harsh, lonely, and fallen world. The seafarer's plight...

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I Hear America Singing

I hear America singing begins with a poem and linoleum-cut illustrations. Whitman uses the speaker's voice to evoke an image of America that reflects his sense of place and national identity. But is he really painting a true portrait of our nation? What are some of Whitman's omissions? And does...

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Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Banneker

If you're in a science class and studying Benjamin Banneker You are probably curious about his life. What can you expect to learn about him in your Biographical sketch? Read on to learn about his early life, his career, and his impact on American science. And don't forget to learn about...

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The Poetry of Pablo Neruda

If you want to read some of the best poetry written by Pablo Neruda, look no further than The Poetry of Pablo Neruda. This English-language collection is the most comprehensive collection of Neruda's work in any language. Neruda, who died in 1994, has been hailed as the greatest poet of...

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A Valediction Forbidding Mourning Analysis

A valediction forbidding mourns The speaker's love for the person who is leaving him or her is expressed in this poem. It addresses the concept of love and separation and uses metaphors to illustrate the ideas. "The soul departs the body," Donne writes. The metaphor sets the tone of the poem....

Words: 319

Pages: 2

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