Essays on Western Culture

Summary of The Chrysanthemum and the Sword

Ruth Benedict's book The Chrysanthemum and the Sword The Chrysanthemum and the Sword offers a thorough examination of Japanese culture. The author looked at certain cultural practices and habits that make Japan distinct and are difficult for Westerners to comprehend. The author identifies the details of Japanese thinking on social and...

Words: 389

Pages: 2

Comparing Japanese Communication Dynamics to Western Culture

Each region has its own culture and traditions. Some nations and groups have strong links to their culture, which influences most aspects of their everyday existence. People are a little bit more enlightened in westernized countries like Europe and America, thus they choose to design their own desired lives rather...

Words: 1531

Pages: 6

Compare the Differences between Western and Non-Western Cultures On the Definition of Monsters

Introduction Monster tales abounded in ancient times. Given how little most people knew most of the world's phenomena during those ancient times, it's easy to see why chimera tales were so popular. People were using monster tales to describe phenomena they didn't understand in the universe. Despite this, tales about freaks...

Words: 2165

Pages: 8

Movie poster of the titanic

Through theater, film, and music, Western culture has been spread to the rest of the world." The Western film industry thrives on the kindness displayed by the rest of the world as it marvels at the technologies used in production as well as the sentimental appeals that come with such...

Words: 1119

Pages: 5

Premature Mortality psychological effects

Introduction Birth and death are the two main points of life, one signalling the beginning and the other signaling the termination of life. Although birth is celebrated in all cultures around the world, death is greeted with defiance and terror. The fear of death has led to a fascination with death...

Words: 1819

Pages: 7

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