To determine the range of particles sizes and a known mass of soil classification in the laboratory. Theory Classification of a known soil sample in relation to its particle distribution is done using sieve analysis. The experiment in the soil classification will be demonstrated using the test method of BS1377-2: 1990 (WES...

Words: 586

Pages: 3

Carpe Diem

For decades, humanity has adopted the philosophy of carpe diem. Since 23 B.C., a host of excellent literature authors have discussed the subject of carpe diem. Carpe diem is a concept that can be used in short stories, essays, lyrics, graduation addresses, and metaphysical writings. Carpe diem is a Latin...

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Pages: 11

An Essay Testing the Viability of Peter Brooks’ Theory of Narrative Desire in ‘Reading for the Plot’ Based on Specific Examples from ‘Pride and Prejudice’ by Jane Austen

A Plot: The Critical Fundamental of Narrative Fiction A plot is one of the most critical fundamentals of any form of narrative fiction. Peter Brook emphasizes this aspect and concern in his prose, especially in Reading for the Plot (37). The Significance of Narrative Desire Taking a critical look at the story, there...

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Theory on organization

There are a collection of guidelines in every field of research and study-theories in which such study methods and activities are focused on the establishment of a connection between the concepts involved in the specific practice or study. Hatch, (2011) describes an association as an entity created as various individuals...

Words: 2213

Pages: 9

The Differences between Various Theories of Ethics

There are several types of hypotheses, and each one can be used in a variety of contexts to enlighten our thinking and assist decision-making. Consequentialism, Deontology, Virtue Ethics, and Principlism are examples of philosophies. Shaw and Barry (2014) define formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized The perception...

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Pages: 4

The Great Man Approach Theory

In the nineteenth century, "The Great Man Approach" In the nineteenth century, "The Great Man Approach" was a common philosophy. It was suggested that "great men" form the course of human history, and that particular historical figures were responsible for the majority of the world's events. This hypothesis was popularized by...

Words: 495

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Gender roles and traditional attitude

Since most sports are physically challenging and combative, sports have been viewed as a preserve for men. This narrative has turned sports into occasions for furthering the construct of male masculinity. Women are discouraged from participating in athletics because they would desecrate and pervert the nature of the ritual (Messner...

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Pages: 6

Social Justice, Utilitarianism and Intersectionality

Human life also has numerous sociological and ecological problems. The response depends on the personal viewpoint when exposed to various factors. Some social influences can, however, influence an individual s psychological disposition. The philosophy of man has been clarified. This is a talk of intersectionality, utilitarianism and perception of intersectionality...

Words: 855

Pages: 4

Convergence theory

Convergence Theory Convergence theory is based on the basis that, as more and more states become industrialised, a similarity begins to emerge in terms of technology and social norms. This suggests that there is a mixture of diverse technology, markets, and society that inevitably produces cheaper, more competitive, and still identical...

Words: 636

Pages: 3

Variance Research

Introduction to ANOVA Also referred to as ANOVA, in the field of psychology, the study of variance is a mathematical method used to measure the variation between two or more ways. It is often used to figure out whether the observations of experimental and observational evidence are significant. ANOVA allows an...

Words: 415

Pages: 2

Existence Nature

Human beings live for a purpose much like any other living creature. The motives for life can be explained from various viewpoints depending on the situation and the context in which the issue of existence is posed. Surprisingly, many human beings cannot explain why they live and how they come...

Words: 844

Pages: 4

Definition of Ethics

Ethics and Virtue Ethics Ethics may be characterized as an agreed code of conduct for a particular community and its meaning cannot be widely accepted. The key purpose of this article is to quickly explore the concept of virtue ethics (Kant 5). As a consequence, in addressing the purpose of the...

Words: 899

Pages: 4

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