Social Life in Dallas

Over cities, towns, and suburbs, an urban region is occupied with human settlement and advanced infrastructure. Dallas is the most populous and one of the most developed cities in northern Texas, set on the rolling prairies (US News 2017). Dallas has grown as a destination for immigrants from Mexico, Europe,...

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The Houston Food Bank

The Houston Food Bank The Houston Food Bank is a privately run non-profit organization that was established in the year 1982 in Houston, Texas. The organization has received certification as a part of the network of food banks known as Feeding America. The distribution of food to more than 600 hunger...

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Texas Policy Proposal

Texas Labor Rules and the Minimum Wage Increase ProposalTexas is one of the few states in the world with well-defined labor rules. The legislative plan to increase the minimum wage to $12 per hour has caused several arguments, with one side of the political spectrum endorsing it and the other...

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The Last Man Standing: Politics Texas Style is a documentary film

Paul Stekler and "The Last Man Standing: Politics Texas Style" Paul Stekler directed and created the documentary film The Last Man Standing: Politics Texas Style. The film was released in 2004, and it shows democratic campaigns in Texas during the 2002 elections. The film is directed with the intention of depicting...

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The campaign style that Donald Trump used to run for Presidency

Donald Trump's Political Strategy Donald Trump's political strategy in Texas and elsewhere did not suit the conventional campaign formula because he prioritized social media over news releases, supporter enthusiasm over campaign donations, and protests over organizations. Since the media that like Trump and his antics is already intent on having a...

Words: 573

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Texas Policy - Legalization Of Guns Carrying

Texas coverage on guns regulates possession of firearm handling in public. The history of open elevate of handguns in Texas stated in 1871 when the legislatures in Texas passed a bill to ban carrying by way of its citizens outside homes. This ban was later altered in 1995 when the...

Words: 1117

Pages: 5

Texas and the Growth of Population

Texas Population Growth: Blessing and Curse Texas is in population and square kilometers the second largest state in the USA. There are nearly 28 million people of the United States. It is in the southern part of USA, on the east side of Louisiana, and on the north side of Arkansas...

Words: 1133

Pages: 5

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