Essays on Scientific Method

Independent and Dependent Variables

A hypothesis is a term used to describe hypotheses or postulates regarding a subject under investigation. It is a method of predicting how the test results will turn out before the actual analysis is carried out (Khan, 2011). A hypothesis can be expressed in two ways: null hypothesis (HO) and alternative hypothesis...

Words: 308

Pages: 2

the influence of mainstream media

Today, the media industry in the United States is dominated by a few individuals who have steadily developed conglomerates with enormous clout in the country's political and economic environment. According to Corcoran (2016), five companies dominate the largest advertising sector in the United States. Time Warner, News Corp, Viacom, Disney,...

Words: 1191

Pages: 5

modernization theory

Modernization Theory Modernization theory had a major impact on the philosophy and field of development studies. It was established in the later 1950s and depicted the growth of North America and Western Europe through industrialization. As the title suggests, this philosophy is concerned with the advancement of cultures, populations, and nations....

Words: 951

Pages: 4

Demonstrating and Defending Claims of Causality using Qualitative Research Methods

Qualitative analysis approaches may be used to establish causal relations to justify causal statements. This belief is shared by a sizable number of quantitative and qualitative scholars today (Keman and Woldendorp, 2016). Nonetheless, this assumption remains contentious, and a comprehensive rationale for this bias is yet to be presented. For...

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Pages: 6

about development theories

What does the reliance school have to do with the creation of underdevelopment? The Dependency Theory was founded by the United Nations in the late 1950s under the direction of Raul Prebisch, then-director of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America. The hypothesis was established as a result of...

Words: 2597

Pages: 10

contrast and compare modernization and dependency theories

Modernization Theory Modernization theory was developed during the neo-liberalism era based on structural functionalism. The theory draws its inspiration from the Keynesian economics that argued that development in its own right is an ideal (Preston, 1996, p.15).Liberalization of Markets In the start of 1980, a new era of market functionalism was started...

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Curriculum theory

In the early 1800s, curriculum theory was developed. It is an academic discipline that draws on expertise from a variety of fields. Many academics believe that this principle is the most effective in placing the learner at the core of education as the most important stakeholder. Curriculum theory is one...

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Theory of Knowledge: We can only express our knowledge through art and imagination

Theory of Knowledge: We can only express our knowledge through art and imagination. Talk about it. Art is thought to be the most basic form of communication used by artists to achieve their goals (Boundless 2017, p.1). It involves the visual application of human creativity and imagination by painting, creating works,...

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Pages: 3


Personal identity theory is not a new phenomenon, but it has been linked to several research attempting to understand various personality characteristics. Such research can be traced back to Plato's period. The questions are designed to shed light on people's relationships with themselves and others. Identity, in basic terms, determines...

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Pages: 10


Stoicism and Human Happiness Stoicism is a theory which states that human happiness should not depend on our indulgence in pleasure or the concern of pain.The Early Stoics' Perspective The founders of this theory stated that using feelings to make judgments is destructive. The early Stoics believed that what people say is...

Words: 391

Pages: 2

Theories of Success

Theories of Success Theories that outline success are beliefs used by members of society to explain the meaning of success. These approaches give a fair opinion on what could be termed as success. Success could simply mean the potential of an individual being able to attain the set goals to the...

Words: 935

Pages: 4

Biological Molecules of Life

Identification of Organic Compounds in Various SubstancesUsing specific reagents in each food sample, this laboratory test was performed to identify the organic molecules present in various substances. Each type of organic compound present will show a distinct color change as a result. A color change would indicate that the macromolecule...

Words: 897

Pages: 4

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