Essays on Race and Ethnicity

Bilingual Education and Bilingualism

The history of United States and its immigrant communities The history of United States has been marked by the high number of immigrants from unique countries. The new entrant communities brought with themselves various languages expanding the languages spoken in America to extra than 200. Maybe to start we consider the...

Words: 976

Pages: 4

American dream

Each American citizen's understanding clearly demonstrates what the "American Dream" means for the poorest Americans and those in other groups. This push helps them to enter the middle class and above or holds the high class status. In reality, it proved much harder than the economists predicted. The lowest social...

Words: 293

Pages: 2

A Criticism to the Brockton Police

I have been a witness of police brutality in the community. I would like to put down my disappointment towards to the manner in which the members of the minority groups were targeted by your officers. I am aware of the proper duty of the police department and that is to...

Words: 589

Pages: 3

Red Banks' Hispanic Community

Illicit immigration to New Jersey has risen at an unprecedented pace over the years. The population of illegal immigrants has tripled in the last 25 years, according to Ewing, Martinez, and Rumbaut (2015). Hispanic immigration to the United States has been correlated with rising crimes in the country on an...

Words: 746

Pages: 3

cultural competence

Cultural Competence My feeling for cultural competence is to improve people's awareness, to be open and respectful of different cultural viewpoints, to enhance cultural security and to work for equal opportunity. Relationship building is important for cultural competence and is built on the basis of the shared know-how. The value of...

Words: 666

Pages: 3

Multiculturalism and Diversity

The Importance of a Diverse Workforce The staff of a company is, of course, its most valuable resource. In the absence of individuals, organisations cannot exist. Thus, a human resources manager is responsible for hiring people from different backgrounds to create a pool of skilled individuals that can fulfill the various...

Words: 588

Pages: 3

Marriage in Congo Felicity Conditions

Three forms of marriages in Congo Three forms of marriages in Congo include religious marriages, customs and civilian/forced marriages. Each type is carried out in a different way. The Felicity Conditions of Austin (1962) discuss how they are established in the preparatory, sincere and necessary conditions. Consequently, in the three conditions...

Words: 737

Pages: 3

Regarding the columbian exchange

The Columbian Exchange By concept, the Colombian exchange was a time of biological and cultural interactions that took place between the New and Old Worlds. In fact, trades between cattle, viruses, plants, and the native American way of life and technologies have changed European life have taken place. In addition, the...

Words: 658

Pages: 3

Cultural Appropriation and Hollywood

Tonto in Disney's "The Lone Ranger" Tonto is the deuteragonist of the Disney's 2013 movie entitled, The Lone Ranger. He rides alone while looking for two men who were accountable for the ruin of his village. The film has acquired a series of critics ranging from its display of a noble...

Words: 313

Pages: 2

Why are Police Shooting?

Police Shootings and Officer Killings: A Comparison The essence of police shootings evokes strong feelings in certain cases. In comparison, police officer killings are synonymous with massive disinformation. Montgomery noted in the article 'Why Cops Kill,' that no one was tracking police killings in Florida, the third-largest state in the United...

Words: 456

Pages: 2

The Manhattan Project and atomic bomb creation

The global science community heard early in 1939 that German physicists had discovered the splitting of a uranium atom; there was concern about the possibility that Nazi scientists could cause widespread destruction by using the energy to produce explosives. Scientists Albert Einstein, who survived Nazi persecution, and Enrico Fermi, who...

Words: 2032

Pages: 8

Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo, Mexico's most outstanding female craftsman, painted severely legal self-representations that find her mental reaction to difficulty. She was once conceived on July 6, 1907, in Coyoacan, a suburb of Mexico City. When she was six years of age, she contracted polio which left her with a twisted...

Words: 1211

Pages: 5

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