Essays on Painting

Medieval Europe and the churches

Medieval Europe times were hard. Art and religion went hand in hand: after a few silicon churches were constructed to make sure that the orthodox communities reduced, the Great Schism followed instantly. This had a huge impact on Italy as it enabled the Normans to conquer the Italy-Greek to control...

Words: 1052

Pages: 4

my hobbies

When asked about my interests or what I do in my spare time I usually say that I enjoy drawing. As a result, I was grateful for the opportunity to participate in the Mexican American Fine Arts because it allowed me to learn something I had never done before. Throughout the...

Words: 1086

Pages: 4

Ukiyo-e and Modern Art

The Ukiyo-e: Images of the Floating World The Ukiyo-e are images of the floating world that has the names of the prints and paintings primarily which give an explanation for the transition of the licensed pleasure to that of the Edo and present day in Tokyo Japan. The Concept of Ukiyo and...

Words: 728

Pages: 3

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