Essays on Literary Genres

Doubt: A Parable by Patrick Shanley

“Doubt, A Parable” by Patrick Shanley revolves around the aspects of the society where people make a lot of uncertain decisions, hoping that the outcomes will be on their favor. Shanley wrote the play as a dedication to Catholic nuns who have devoted their lives to serve other people in...

Words: 281

Pages: 2

Comparison of Greek and Japanese Theater

In the world of performance art, it is not easy to establish any meaningful relationships between different artistic forms of presentation. This implies that even though there might be significant similarities and differences between one artistic form and another, establishing any meaningful relationships is not an easy task. This holds...

Words: 1533

Pages: 6

Character Analysis in The Tragedy of Errors

The Plot The plot is the first element of drama, and it represents the events of the drama. The plot reveals the journey, quest and the desires of the characters and keeps the audience engaged in the entire play. The plot helps to build the relationships and develop trust with the...

Words: 1367

Pages: 5

Role of Performance in Theatre

Normally, performance is thought of as a form of entertainment and art. However, in reality, people have been performing throughout in our social world.  For instance, in the professional situations, individuals have been playing roles and presenting carefully prepared images to other people. They have mastered the art of presenting...

Words: 1083

Pages: 4

The Importance of Theatre in Our Lives

Sketch Comedy and Improv Sketch comedy and improv are works of art which are often theatre-based. They, however, have a few differences, the first one being that sketch comedy revolves around a script, whereas improv is unplanned. While characters in sketch comedy know what follows during the event of the production,...

Words: 885

Pages: 4

Analysis of Rex Murphy's "What We are Fighting For"

Upon surprising her co-workers by stating she played hockey as a child, Shema Khan displays why one should not judge a book by its cover in her excerpt "I Was A Teenage Hijabe Hockey Player." Khan begins to negate these assumptions by using her past experiences growing up as both...

Words: 821

Pages: 3

I Only Came To Use The Phone

The Story: "I Only Came to Use the Phone" The story, "I Only Came to Use the Phone" covers the narration of Maria by Marquez and how the spread of sanity is led by poor judgment of the society. Maria goes through issues and because of the situation at hand; she...

Words: 673

Pages: 3

The Effects of War on the Characters in O'Brien's The Things They Carried

In the article in question, the author presents several soldier characters to portray the situation in which they usually experience or find themselves when out of the country for war. Notably, O'Brien, the author offers a description of the several things that are carried by these men as they head...

Words: 863

Pages: 4

Evelin's Dilemma

Eveline is a critical person because she takes time to analyze an action and its side effects before making a decision. For example, she has to judge the effects of either leaving or staying in her home. Besides, “She had hard work to keep the house together and to see...

Words: 313

Pages: 2

The Importance of Indigenous Languages in Literature

Armstrong, Jeannette. "Land speaking." Introduction to Indigenous Literary Criticism in Canada (2015): 145. In the story, Armstrong Jeannette has effectively educated and empowered the Aboriginal people on the importance of using their historical or indigenous language and culture despite the rising level through which the residential school system has changed the...

Words: 434

Pages: 2

Analysis of A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O'Connor

The short story ‘A good man is hard to find’, was written by Flannery O’Connor in 1953. The book has grown to be among the highest observed works of short fiction, especially since the book depicts characters in a straightforward manner that has helped improve the audience’s perception of the...

Words: 1228

Pages: 5

Biblical allusion in The Scarlet Letter

“Biblical allusion refers to indirect reference to the bible to foster the understanding of a given message.” This rhetorical strategy is effective because it solidifies Martin Luther King’s argument as well as provides reverential men in the holy book that did works that correlate with his deeds. By using multiple...

Words: 494

Pages: 2

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