Essays on Electronics

about apple Inc.

Apple Inc. is one of the best-known publicly traded companies in the United States, with shares traded on the NYSE and other stock exchanges. It is a multinational American technology company headquartered in Cupertino, California (Clark et al, 2017). It is primarily focused on the development, design, and sale of...

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Pages: 10

marketing strategy of apple inc.

Introduction Apple Inc. is a world leader in the design and distribution of consumer electronics, applications, and computers. It currently has over 350 locations around the globe. At the end of the fiscal year in 2015, the company had about USD 30 billion in worldwide revenues. Its devices include the iPod,...

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Pages: 3

quality control and production

The Apple corporation is one of the most powerful companies on the global business scene. The firm manufactures its materials in California but assembles them in China. The bulk of the work is seen in the American region, with casing and packaging projects taking place in the Chinese region. The...

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Pages: 3

companies differentiation strategies

Differentiation Differentiation is a distinction offered to a commodity that makes it distinct and more appealing than those in the target market. Today's market structure is dominated by competition, forcing marketers to play it safe. Strategic distinction creates a distinct visual identity that caters to the preferences of the consumers.Apple's Differentiation Apple...

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Pages: 2

apple inc. analysis

Apple: A Global Technology Corporation For the purposes of this research, I'll use Apple as my model business. Apple is a global technology corporation that specializes in consumer electronics, software, and some internet services. Smartphones, laptops, servers, digital televisions, and portable video player players are among their hardware offerings. The company's...

Words: 604

Pages: 3

Driverless Vehicles vs. Traditionally Driven Vehicles

Introduction There are several methodologies available for studying and analyzing the design of driverless vehicles and traditionally powered cars. I'd rather use Google to compare the performance characteristics of the two vehicle models. Similarly, I will pay visits to the firms that make the cars and conduct in-depth interviews with them....

Words: 597

Pages: 3

Capacitance is a basic electrical property

Capacity is a common electrical property that can be used in circuits to perform certain functions that include storing and unloading of charge. Capacity estimation is subject to a variety of considerations and requires a sophisticated instrument. In this experiment, the capacitance is determined using a digital multimeter and the...

Words: 2032

Pages: 8

The “Push Snowboarding” Campaign of Nokia N8

Even though Nokia has in the past been a leader brand, they had to face strong competition from industry rivals, who produced disruptive technologies and began taking control of the market. Headquartered in Finland, Nokia lost their leadership position in the mobile market because they ceased to react to altering...

Words: 1290

Pages: 5

AL Ghumgham Electronics incorporated

P.O Box 5698 Cleveland, OH 44101 March 16, 2017 Intellipath Wholesale Shop P.O Box 2354 Cleveland, OH 44101 Attention: The Division of Customer Service Subject: The batteries of Faulty Laptop Ten laptops of similar specifications were...

Words: 242

Pages: 1

IQ Doctor visit by Anne

A very special pupil, Anne, six years old. She always liked to do mathematics unlike other girls of her class who chose languages rather than science. In most of her mathematics tests she will score 100%. However, she usually sleeps or read other topics during the English course. The professor always asked her...

Words: 276

Pages: 2

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