Essays on Contemporary Art

The Hotels by Sophie Calle

Sophie Calle is a French photographer considered as acontroversial artist because of her non-conventional approach to photography. Born in Paris, France in 1953, Sophie Calle traveled and settled in California where she developed the passion for photography (Calle and Baudrillard 8). Calle returned to Paris in 1979 and enrolled in...

Words: 519

Pages: 2

Madre, 2008

Fig 1: Madre, 2008 at the 10th st plaza       Fig 2: A detailed image of the artful cuts and shapes The artwork Madre, 2008 is one of the fine works of Maria Cristina Carlini. The name Madre is an interpretation of “Mother”. The art piece comprises of a large metal orb...

Words: 352

Pages: 2

The Differences Between Modern and Postmodern Architecture

Postmodern architecture is an architectural style which began in the 1960s to respond to the modern architectural styles which took specific designs. Both architect designs have similarities and differences. Their designs use geometric shapes. This means that they apply regular lines and shapes when being designed. The paper will discuss...

Words: 333

Pages: 2

Contemporary Art History

Andy Warhol's Paintings: A Critical Evaluation Andy Warhol is a well-known American artist, and Wagner critiqued his works in her essays under the headings "Warhol Paints History" and "Race in America." Wagner focuses on Andy Warhol's works created between 1960 and 1970. Wagner notes out elements that make Warhol's paintings difficult...

Words: 664

Pages: 3

Contemporary Art History: Minimalism

Minimalism Movement Minimalism, which emerged in the 1960s, allowed artists who appeared self-conscious to reject art that they perceived to be decaying and academic. The minimalist movement is most closely identified with three people: Robert Morris, Foster, and Briony Fer. Most reviewers and artists consider Morris to be one of the...

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The Harlem Renaissance

The Harlem Renaissance was a period when African-American writers and artists were able to express themselves via writing, painting, and music (Singh, 2010). Claude McKay was one of the Harlem Renaissance's first American-African poets. McKay was born and raised in Jamaica before moving to the United States. McKay played a...

Words: 1072

Pages: 4

Modern Art

The twentieth century, according to Lucie-Smith (76), has been marked by a number of changes that have in some way or another given rise to several movements in the world of art. The majority of the modifications are the result of civilization (Lucie-Smith 78). For instance, during the first World...

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Annotated bibliography for Vincent van Gogh's The Starry Night.

Gogh, Vincent, Sjraar Heugten, Joachim Pissarro, Chris Stolwijk, Geeta Bruin, Maite Dijk, and Jennifer Field are a few artists who come to mind. The colors of the night and Van Gogh. 2008, New York: Museum of Modern Art Print. The Museum of Modern Art released this book with the goal of...

Words: 924

Pages: 4

Global Conceptualism: A History of Contemporary Art

Global Conceptualism of Art between 1962 and 1969 Since visuality and other categories different from those of this decade are rigorously eliminated, the global conceptualism of art between 1962 and 1969 is complete. Additionally, the modernist paintings introduced a new structuralist approach to looking at and representing art (Buchloh). The visual,...

Words: 606

Pages: 3

Contemporary aridity picture by Cindy Sherman

The Works of Art by Cindy Sherman The works of art by Cindy Sherman leave a lasting impression on the audience. It is possible to examine the image titled "modern aridity" based on societal relationships.The Columns Three columns are shown in the image. A stunning woman is smiling in the left column,...

Words: 956

Pages: 4


The Main Idea Behind the Work of ArtThe main idea behind this work of art was to highlight how ordinary issues that individuals encounter, like death, may be overcome by their yearning for immortality, which is seen in the young child's eyes. My work's main objective was to concentrate on...

Words: 876

Pages: 4

Contemporary art

Contemporary Art and Conceptual Art Contemporary art is made up of various forms of art, such as Conceptual Art, Minimalism, Burt art, Body art, Op art, Neo-Dadaism, and Op art, to name a few. Because of their individuality and authenticity, these arts originated in the twentieth century. During the 1960s, the...

Words: 625

Pages: 3

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