Essays on Astronomy

Cosmology breakthroughs

The Study of Cosmology The study of the universe's nature, origin, evolution, and future is known as cosmology. It's "the scientific study of the large-scale features of the cosmos as a whole," according to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.Separation into Mythological and Physical Cosmology It is further separated into Mythological cosmology,...

Words: 1153

Pages: 5

the big bang theory

Many astronomers concur that a massive explosion of matter and energy created the cosmos. The Big Bang Theory, which is a model rather than a theory concerning the origin of the universe, is the name given to this hypothesis. Astronomers consider the concept to be the most plausible explanation for...

Words: 2214

Pages: 9

Sobel’s The Glass Universe

A selection of women who made a significant contribution to the discipline of astronomy are highlighted in Sobel s book. While employed by Harvard College University, these women made important discoveries. The book emphasizes the sophisticated astronomical concepts these women formed while delving deeply into their lives. The book examines...

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Pages: 5

Titan moon

Christiaan Huygens discovered Titan's moon in 1655. (Tate, 2015). Titan's atmosphere is mostly made up of nitrogen and methane. Nitrogen accounts for 95% of the total, with methane accounting for 5%. (Tate, 2015). Other elements found on the moon, such as oxygen and carbon, are similar to those found on...

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Anish named the monument ‘The Cloud Gate’

Because of its similarity to the skyline, Anish called the monument "The Cloud Doors." The artist was fascinated by liquid mercury and a need to investigate form and shape, so he attempted to sculpt something with an entrance and room into which one could walk. After considering the buildings in...

Words: 556

Pages: 3

War for the Planets of the Apes

The 2017 American sci-fi film "War for the Planet of the Apes" was directed by Matt Reeves and written by Mark Bomback and Reeves. It is the third installment in the Planet of the Apes reboot and arrangement, following Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) and Dawn of...

Words: 1172

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A Trip to the Moon

George Méliès and the Pursuit of a Bigger Picture George Méliès believed in a bigger picture, so he pursued the ability to enlarge motion pictures from a magical perspective, just as a president would try to convince his constituents to go to the moon. Despite the excitement of traveling to the...

Words: 330

Pages: 2

God Created by Man

“Man is definitely insane,” said Michel De Montaigne. He couldn't make a speck of dust, but he can make gods by the dozen.” The statement means that, no matter how hard man tries to advance in science, reaching God's level of existence is an impossibility. The planet is currently run...

Words: 4030

Pages: 15

The church

The Church as a Sacred Space The church is seen as a group of people who share a common belief. The church is regarded as a sacred space where people can communicate with and worship God. The church is viewed as a very holy place, with leaders who are regarded as...

Words: 640

Pages: 3

Tradition Doesn't Always Hold True

I used to have a lot of nose bleeding when I was younger. I would bleed profusely from my nose whenever I had a minor headache, was hit on the head, or was poked. My father detested being told he was wrong. He taught me how to treat myself with...

Words: 314

Pages: 2

Comparison of geothermal gradients in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates

The Geothermal Gradient The rate at which temperature (T) rises with increasing depth (Z) to the earth's interior is a geothermal gradient. Near the earth's surface, it grows by an average of 25°C per kilometer. The planet's internal heat comes from a combination of residual heat from the earth's accretion, radioactive...

Words: 1473

Pages: 6

Essay on Geology

The Corporal Division of Rocks The corporal division of the rocks within the earth's surface and the events they present are referred to as relative time. Rocks contain accounts of previous events that occurred on the surface of the planet (Lyle 187). The stones shaped at the shell of sedimentary layers...

Words: 562

Pages: 3

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