Rhetorical Essays

It is considered one of the most difficult tasks to handle, yet there is no need to give up when you have our free essay samples that can help you with your paper. Rhetorical writing must use words and certain phrases to either persuade or inform the target audience about an issue that must be brought to attention. Check our paper samples to see how an idea is introduced in the beginning and supported with due evidence. The persuasion strategy must sound confident and clear to your readers regardless of your opinion. Our essay examples serve as the possible starting points, so take your time to choose your nearest topic and explore the rhetorics as you brainstorm your ideas.

Learning Disabilities in Canada

Stegemann’s article Learning Disabilities in Canada Stegemann’s article Learning Disabilities in Canada uses various strategies to communicate to the audience. The evidence, structure, reasoning, and rhetoric strategies used by Stegemann plays a significant role in how the audience will interact and understand the argument. The essay aims at critically analyzing these...

Words: 617

Pages: 3

Ignoring the Audience: Strategies to Promote Creativity in Writing

Peter Elbow's Argument on Ignoring Audience in Writing Peter Elbow writes in his article, Closing My Eyes As I Speak: An Argument for Ignoring Audience, how audience awareness suppresses creativity and personal intuition in writing. He notes that in most instances, his mind would go blank while trying to address an...

Words: 914

Pages: 4

The Role of DNA Evidence in Criminal Justice

DNA Evidence and its Application in Forensic Investigations DNA evidence is among many scientific tools that have been provided for the investigation of forensic evidence via the analysis of DNA which is a material that makes up one's genetic code. DNA can be retrieved from their hair, blood, skin cells as...


Words: 1083

Pages: 4

Emily Dickinson's Poetry

Dickinson is an American poet who lived between 1830 and 1886. She spent most of her later days in isolation. It’s right to assert that Dickinson never lived a normal womanly life-she never married. She was quite a recluse, even most of her poems spoke of death and immortality. Her...

Words: 1452

Pages: 6

Analysis of Smoke Signals by Sherman Alexie

The Film Memento The act of using a reverse-chronological structure in telling a story shows gimmickry; it looks like the film in the show in real-time and its shot in a single take. The fact that film Memento narrative is non-linear fits Leonard Shelby's character (Schmidt). Even though he benefits from...

Words: 723

Pages: 3

The Concept of Free Speech in Ancient Greece

There are two primary concepts of the ancient Greek; Isegoria and Parrhesia, which influence the common aspect of free speech. Isegoria refers to the freedom of all the citizens to participate in public debates while parrhesia is a license for them to say whatever, whenever and to whoever they would...

Words: 1661

Pages: 7

The Process of Gentrification

Gentrification defines the gradual process of renovating and changing an area, mostly urban, conforming it to the taste of the wealthier middle-class people. Ruth Glass, a renowned British sociologist, introduced this word in 1964, after studying how the social structure and the housing market in London were changing. Glass wrote,...

Words: 2597

Pages: 10

The Puritan Hypocracy in Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

Literature and Stylistic Devices Literature, as one would argue, has its unique stylistic devices that authors use to convey messages. Sometimes the message can be hidden in the play or story while on other occasions the message can be direct from the onset. One such incident in which the central theme...

Words: 1080

Pages: 4

Social Media

Recent times have witnessed an increase in the use of social media. Platforms such as Twitter and Facebook facilitate communication and interaction between individuals from different parts of the world. Social sites act as a meeting point for people with different backgrounds and goals in life. Primarily, social media sites...

Words: 927

Pages: 4

The Debate on Marijuana

The Debate on Marijuana Legalization The debate whether marijuana or pot (as is commonly known around the streets) should be legalized or not is a debate as old as the drug itself. People for years have battled it, and it looks like, despite their efforts, the drug is flourishing, maybe even...

Words: 1910

Pages: 7

The Differences and Similarities of Rocking Horse Winner and Lottery

The two stories, ‘Rocking-Horse Winner’ and ‘The Lottery’ both uses themes, symbols, and the underlying moral lanes to illustrate how greediness is depicted in today’s families effectively. Nevertheless, the setting of the two short stories and their main themes seem to be unequivocally different as portrayed in the stories. Similarities                  The...

Words: 835

Pages: 4

The Swimmer's Moment

Throughout life, individuals have the inevitable role of making choices that influence their actions. The Swimmer’s Moment, is an open form of poetry which had been written by Margaret Avison and published in 2003. The persona in the poem asserts that there is a “whirlpool” that every person must face...

Words: 372

Pages: 2

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