Comparison of Cinderella and Peter Pan

Cinderella and Peter Pan are fantastic animations that have entertained several generations of children and still serves the same purpose. In the current age, some generations in the adult groups are always impressed by the entertainment to the extent of maintaining their loyalty. With the original theatrical release being 1950 and 1953 respectively, these to animations are part of the top twenty releases by Walt Disney animations studios. Cinderella is classified as an American animated musical fantasy movie and ranked 12th in the Walt Disney classics animated classics series. On the other hand, Peter Pan is ranked position 13th in the same Disney series.

The Cinderella animation is based on the fairy tale of a lady partially orphaned after the death of her mother. Her stepmother later shows her cruel nature after the death of her father, and she ends up living like a servant in her own home. Luck falls on her side, and she gains the favor of the prince after the first interaction. Interestingly her success further extends to the point that the prince insists on having her as her princes. However, the Peter Pan animation is based on the play by Peter Pan or the boy who could not grow up, in a fairy place called the never lands. Peter Pan and his friends make daily visits to have the best adventure and experience of the Neverlands.

Some issues may arise and demand the comparison of the values or worth of the two stories regarding the life lessons/ skills they equip the children. The increasing demand by parents and guardians to understand the contents and consequences of what their children are subjected is facilitating the entire process of counter comparing the two animations. The illusion that Cinderella deserves to be rated higher than Peter Pan implies that the Cinderella animation possesses some rights and qualities missing in Peter Pan animation which makes it stand out and have more value than Peter Pan. In this case, the cost is measured through the rating of the stories after an in-depth analysis of what they present to the theatre world alongside the real-life operations.

I stand with the opinion that Cinderella deserves more rating than Peter Pan and that forms the better part of this argument. The alignment is contributed to by the fact that Cinderella presents more reality of life. That is the pains, deception, torture and true love experiences in life. Other reasons presented includes the moral standards brought about by Cinderella, the biases eliminated, and the animation also enhances the respect for all persons in the society. It encourages people to always believe in their dreams, knows their self-worth, and to never be afraid of hard work. Additionally, it also depicts that love always comes our way when we least expect it.

Reasons for supporting the rating of Cinderella over Peter Pan

Some of the criteria that will be used in the establishment of an aesthetic judgment on the topic include the reference of the reality of life and the moral standards presented by the two animations. The reality of life refers to the relevant events that occur in our day to day life and are often unavoidable. Therefore, people are often expected to effectively deal with them in the right manner to ensure they are not subjected to facing the consequences of their assumption. Moral standards, on the other hand, refers to the stipulated rules that inform an excellent/quality way of existing or handling one-self.

First, Cinderella presents more reality of life through the storyline. For example, the story assures the audience that it is ok always to cry when the emotions are too painful to hold. Again, we are encouraged to do things for ourselves and never to let our obstacles or mental blocks prevent us from achieving our inner desires or proving our self-worth. Besides, life is also filled with many negativity especially from other people and thus, we ought to have the courage to forgive and have patience.

According to Peter Pan, patience is a virtue that at least encourages. Some of the characters in the play especially the friends of Peter Pan from earth are often impatient to engage with Peter Pan in the adventures in the wonderland. Additionally, Peter Pan most often displays the positivity in life and thus, it is often sporadic to spot Peter Pan lose a battle to the pirates. He also despises the values for adulthood responsibility. Therefore, the audience may easily be misguided into thinking that being an adult is the most challenging experience anyone can have in life.

Secondly, Cinderella also presents the moral standards expected of us in life. Such ethical standards include time consciousness and letting go of the negativities that make us feel low in life. Besides, the animation’s storyline displays the essence for practicing kindness to all the people in our life. Cinderella presents high levels of compassion which we many may perceive to be a sign of weakness. However, it only indicates that we should always choose our battles correctly. In the case of Peter Pan, the audience is encouraged to engage in fighting with the aim of winning continually. It is displayed by the manner in which Peter Pan engages in several confrontational battles with the pirates and wins in each occasion. In life, there are occasions when we win and those when we do not succeed. It may not be a loss due to our weakness, but it may only be an indication and the expectation of the natural system and balance of life. Cinderella show also displays that love is meant to walk our way especially when we least expect it in life. Therefore, the animation serves as a better guide to all the teens with the urge to engage in new relations.


Other people argue that Peter Pan is the best show for the children since it encourages to enjoy their childhood experience to the maximum. Again, the entire storyline is based on the girl-child misfortunes. The critical theme aligns to the feminine gender; thus, the male audience may not be interested with the show. Therefore, such qualities may depict the entire animation as irrelevant to a particular segment of people in the society, For example, the boys who say Cinderella show is girlish fantasy.

It is indisputable that Peter Pan is more childish than Cinderella. However, the animation presented by Cinderella displays a better and a more interactive platform than Peter Pan. It includes characterization and personification of non-human characters making the entire show becomes more interesting. It, therefore, traps the children too into taking part in watching the show and in the process they also gain additional life lesson that the show presents. Furthermore, it also offers relevant information to all the family members. The show also has a feminine fantasy perception, but this may not be the exact intent of the animation. If the audience well utilizes the feminine nature of the show, the show can efficiently serve as a better instrument of rooting out masculinity amongst the members of the society. It is because it displays some of the misfortunes that the orphans and females undergo in life.


Peter animation show is a fantastic show especially for the children and other interested members of the society. However, it misses out on some life reality and presentation of moral standards. Therefore, Cinderella shows turn out to be better. It serves as a general show with life skills and lessons for the entire family. Similarly, it can also assist in the elimination of male chauvinism.

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