Case Studies for Students

Question 1.

Match the medical or allied health profession with the corresponding role/responsibilities.

AHP’s that offer diagnosis and manipulation treatment of misalignments of the joints, especially those of the spinal column.



A medical professional that is devoted to the study and medical treatment of disorders of the foot, ankle and lower extremity.



 AHP who practises a system of manual medicine that works on the principle that the well-being of a person is dependent on the skeleton, muscles, ligaments and connective tissues all functioning smoothly together.



These AHP’s manipulate people's soft tissue to assist in healing parts of the body that have been injured or left inactive due to age, illness or injury.

Remedial Massage Therapist


This AHP is a doctor who specialises in sports related medicine. This usually entails guiding patients through treatment and rehabilitation for a sports injury.

Sports Physician


AHP’s who specialise in the delivery of exercise for the prevention and management of chronic diseases and injuries.

Accredited exercise physiologist


These AHP’s are trained to assess nutritional needs. They also assist people to manage health conditions and diseases using food as Medical Nutrition Therapy.

Accredited Practicing Dietician


An AHP that helps patients improve or maintain skills for day-to-day activities and well-being.

This AHP is a medical doctor who treats a variety of acute and chronic illnesses and provides preventive care and health education to patients.

Registered General Practitioner


This AHP is a registered nurse with extensive training in continence care. They are able to assess a person’s condition and work with them to develop a management plan to suit their needs.

Continence Nurse Advisor


This AHP assesses, diagnoses, treats and prevents a wide range of physical conditions and movement disorders. They help repair damage, reduce stiffness and pain, increase mobility and improve quality of life.



These AHP’s provide mental and behavioural health services. They focus on prevention; address health disparities; aim to reduce psychological distress; and enhance and promote psychological wellbeing in all populations.



This person is a fitness professional involved in exercise prescription and instruction. They motivate clients by setting goals and providing feedback and accountability to clients.

Personal Trainer     

Question #2 Refer to supporting documents for case studies - match case study with correct profession - write request for assistance

Referral Templates

#3. Dear Mr. Exercise,

Re: Referral to the Exercise Physiology Clinic for Mr. Paul Patient (DOB 16/4/1970)


#7. Dear Ms. Eatwell,

Re: Referral to the Diet Clinic for Mrs Sue Sample (DOB 18/3/1963)

#2. Dear Mr. Crackback,

Re: Referral to the Back Centre for Mrs. Evie Example (DOB 9/8/1981)

Dear Mrs. Bowels,

Re: Referral to the Base Hospital for Ms Cory Clinic (DOB 1/1/1939)

#11. Dear Mr. Workright,

Re: Referral to the Workplace Solution for Ms. Sally Sample (DOB 19/4/1991)


#1. Dear Ms. Thinkfood,

Re: Referral to the Wellness Foundations for Mr Take Way (DOB 21/1/1983)



#4. Dear Mrs. Bony,

Re: Referral to the Bone Clinic for Mr. Jack Jolly (DOB 19/4/1971)

#6. Dear Mr. Flatfoot,

Re: Referral to Neat Feet for Mrs Lucy Layby (DOB 28/9/1969)


#9. Dear Mrs. Mindread,

Re: Referral to New You Psychology for Mr. Neville Needy (DOB 9/12/1979)


#8. Dear Mr. Foodstuffs,


Needshelp (DOB 14/6/1978)



#12. Dear Mrs. Knot,

Re: Referral to Massage R Us for Mrs. Therese Tightback (DOB 30/3/1975)


#5. Dear Mr. Plaster,

Re: Referral to the Sports Depot for Mr Bobby Sampler (DOB 29/1/1967)

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