Cannabis and Its Effects on a Developing Brain

This article presents how teenagers using Cannabis are causing permanent damage to their brains. The study involved tracking and testing of 3,800 adolescents for over four years, from the age of thirteen. Adolescents have developing brains and the use drugs especially Cannabis at a young age relatively causes cognitive abilities and problems like attention, learning, and decision making as well academic performance. Based on the results of from the research the university, it was suggested that teenagers should delay the use of Cannabis.

Cannabis has various effects on a developing brain. This includes the effects observed from the working of the adolescent’s memories and their reasoning abilities as well as controlling their behaviors. Compared to even drinking, the effects of Cannabis on a developing brain is more severe. Also, an increase in the use of Cannabis increases the cognitive problems. Moreover, the effects are long-lasting. Nevertheless, even after quitting to Use Cannabis, the study found that the effects do not reduce. This is because a developing brain once affected, the effects persist. Also, Cannabis can be addictive, and an increase in its use can lead to chances of developing psychotic illnesses especially in these adolescents. Besides, suppose a developing brain stops using Cannabis, it leads to withdrawal symptoms like mood swings and sleeping problems.

In summary, the article suggests that a developing is at more risk of developing cognitive risks when using Cannabis. For instance, it leads to effects such as low thinking, learning, and decision-making skills as well as academic performance. It may also result in changes in their behavior and moods. Moreover, the more adolescents use Cannabis, the more the cognitive damages.

Work Cited

Cannabis ‘more harmful than alcohol’ for teen brains. (2018). Retrieved from

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