Authentic Leadership

The chapter additional material chosen is a Neil Crofts YouTube video on Genuine Leadership

Of course, Neil Crofts begins by acknowledging that, due to the various changes in the globe today and the corporate world in general, there is a need for new leadership abilities and techniques. Indeed, the most successful commercial firms in today's globe, such as Google and Apple, have used basic real leadership approaches and skills to outperform competitors. Accordingly, leaders in an organization should be inspired and have real values, as well as help junior employees, rise through empowerment, motivation, sharing of responsibilities, the realization of potential and self-discovery (Peter, 2016). These values can be compared to the influence, core elements and an encompassing approach inclusive of transformational leadership. At Google, for example, the leadership is authentically committed towards employee empowerment across all the levels of the operations and leadership. The organization sets aside 20% of the time available for employee innovation in an effort to help them unleash their potential and achieve the maximum they can for themselves and the organization.

In addition, authentic leadership should encompass love

Love binds together leaders and their followers creating real transformation in an organization (Peter, 2016). At Apple organization for instance, love has been created from the top leadership down to the junior employees creating compassion and passion. As such employees love what they do since the products they develop and manufacture are lovable and the culture in their organization is based on love leadership. This kind of culture creates motivation and energy among the leaders, employees and the clients across all their industries (Hirst et al., 2016). Besides, leadership that transforms negatively, exploiting junior employees, catering only for the interests of the leader like practiced by Adolph Hitler and Saddam Hussein is pseudo transformational and prevents an organization from realizing opportunities (Peter, 2016).


Hirst, G., Walumbwa, F., Aryee, S., Butarbutar, I., & Chen, C. J. H. (2016). A multi-level investigation of authentic leadership as an antecedent of helping behavior. Journal of Business Ethics, 139(3), 485-499.

Peter G. Northouse, Leadership: Theory and Practice, Seventh Edition. © 2016 SAGE Publications, Inc.

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