Application of research findings to the nursing practice

Nursing Principles in Evidence-Based Practice

Nursing principles in evidence-based practice are supported by trustworthy research findings. Nurses' duties are critical to evidence-based practice. For starters, nurses conduct the research that guides practice. Second, nurses are the ones who put the research findings' suggestions into action. Finally, nurses are in charge of maintaining a valuable knowledge base on nursing concepts.

Collaboration in Evidence-Based Practice

The nurse is responsible for collaborating with colleagues at all levels in order to support evidence-based practice. Staff nurses, nurse managers, advanced practice nurses, and nurse executives are examples of individual levels. The initial step of evidence-based practice in nursing is the identification of areas where further research is needed or areas that have the capacity for improvement. The nurses are responsible for the well-being of patients, and they are therefore more likely to identify these areas. The nurse should analyze the areas that they have identified as having room for improvement using PICOT assessment tools to justify the introduction of new interventions on the problem.

Roles in Research

On research, nurses are tasked with specific roles at each distinct level of achievement. For instance, undergraduate level nurses are meant to locate evidence and subject it to critical appraisal processes while the Ph.D. nurses are responsible for the development of new knowledge. Post-doctoral nurses are meant to facilitate continued research by establishing funding sources for the nurse research.

Application of Research Findings

On the application of research findings to the nursing practice, the executive and staff nurses are responsible for creating facilitating environments for evidence-based practice. The advanced practice nurses are charged with the responsibility to guide junior nurses to apply the new protocols for nursing based on the emerging body of evidence. The application of research evidence to practice is not an end in itself. The nurses continue to observe the outcomes of the intervention to compare its performance against the expectation and the older interventions. This way, only the interventions that yield good and considerable outcomes are adopted into evidence-based nursing practices. These new interventions inform new nursing protocols.

Dissemination of Research Information

The final role of the nurse in evidence-based practice is to submit the information from research to other colleagues in the field of nursing. This distribution of information ensures nursing practice is up to date and allows for assessment of the same information by nurses in different environments to determine the portability of the interventions.

Sources Appraisal

Of the two available sources of information, the book is more reliable than the lecture notes. The book has numerous links to external sources that validate the information presented. Additionally, the book has many references that point to a large body of knowledge from which the conclusions in the book are drawn. Moreover, the detail is illustrated in detail with supporting medical information. The lecture notes were very organized and precise. However, there was little demonstration of support from other documents or existing research. The quality of the information is therefore not verifiable. The facts in the lecture notes are also only stated, and no justification or explanation is given for them. Therefore, they cannot be considered as complete or sufficient. The book is, therefore, a more compelling source of information than the lecture on notes, on the topic of evidence-based practice and the role of the nurse.

Critical Thinking: Scurvy Case Study

In the scurvy case study, the communication channels used were those of the navy ranks. The information about the potential revolution in naval medicine was frustrated by social system barriers such the status quo and political relevance. In the status quo, high-ranking figures are considered the most reliable source of information. However, scientific information should not have relevance attached to the social ranks of the scientists. Instead, the extent to which the evidence is compelling should be the sole consideration. The crown was more willing to listen to the accomplished, albeit mistaken, Captain Cook, than to upcoming scientist with compelling evidence.

Another social system barrier is the issue of political relevance. The public agenda often dictates how much attention an issue gets. In the case of the Navy, weapons were more important than scurvy. Hence, the condition and the new treatment were overlooked.

The Model of Diffusion of Innovations

The model of diffusion of innovations shows the tendency of people to adopt an innovation since its introduction to the time of full adoption. This model gives the factors of adoption as its relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, and the ability to be observed. In this case, the target population was the navy. As such, the physician could have directed the innovation to the target population other than to the authority, which was inhibited by social system. The early adopters in this field were likely to be more receptive and larger in number, and they will influence an early majority because of the fact that they are authority figures in the field. The physician could have also involved the sailors other than conducting secret study on the advantage of this lemon juice as a cure of scurvy. Here, the number of innovators could have increased giving the innovation a better competitive advantage thereby hastens the process of its adoption even among the authority.

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