About Stress Management Strategies

Because of the shifting demands of modern living and the dynamic social environment, stress has become a problem. Finding the sources of one's stress is the first step in managing it. A person's health status, particularly if they have a chronic ailment, may be the cause of stress. Stress is not always a bad thing. Some types of stress are important because they encourage people to improve and accomplish their goals. But stress can also have a number of seriously detrimental impacts. A healthy lifestyle, avoiding stress, changing the circumstance, adapting to it, and accepting all that cannot be altered are a few approaches to prevent them. These techniques can be used by medical practitioners as well as at a personal level. Stress management helps one generate positive feelings and be in control of their life and generally promotes the well-being of a person.

Key words: stress, stress management, management strategies, positive stress, negative stress.


Stress has become a concern due to dynamic social factors and changing needs of lifestyle. It involves a state of mental strain that results from adverse or a very demanding situation (Greenberg, 2011). Medically stress can be defined as a physical, mental, or emotional factor that causes bodily harm. The World Health Organization (2012) specifically defines stress as a significant problem of current times which affects both physical and mental health of people. American Psychological Association (2012) shows that about 60% of all the medical cases are a result of stress. Medical conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure can result from stress. Stress can also lead to psychological problems such as anxiety and depression. This is explained by the substantial body of research that connects stress to cardiovascular disease, a future manifestation of hypertension related to the individual's response to stress, metabolic syndrome, obesity, and emotional overreacting. Also, stress fuels about 50% of depression cases and increases cortisol levels (Bryant, Friedman, Spiegel, Ursano, & Strain, 2011). It should, however, be noted that stress management does not only apply to individuals with a medical disorder but also to healthy people as an effective tool for health enhancement and general well-being (Gorman, Healy, Jäger, & Samali, 2012).

Stress management

Stress management, hence, is a necessary way to avoid these problems because as much as stress can lead to positive achievements, too much of it is dangerous and involves the techniques that help to cope with the pressure that comes with stressful situations (Greenberg, 2011). These techniques can be used by medical practitioners, as well as at a personal level. An example is a case whereby someone decides to take a walk, write, do something they love, or even talk to someone in order to stop thinking of a stressful situation. Stress management helps one generate positive feelings and be in control of their life and generally promotes the well-being of a person.

Several strategies of stress management

Several strategies of stress management can be applied and practiced to reduce the stress level in an individual. The major strategies of stress management include: knowing the source of stress, looking for ways to manage and cope with the stressful situation, avoiding unnecessary stress, and altering the situation. Additionally, adapting to the stressor, accepting what one cannot change, making time for fun and relaxing, and finally adopting a healthy lifestyle are vital strategies in stress management (Gorman, Healy, Jäger, & Samali, 2012).*

Knowing the Source of Stress

Stress management begins with figuring out the sources of stress in one's life. This may involve deep meditation because at times the causes may not be the perceived ones. Causes of stress could include a health condition, especially if one has a chronic illness. Emotional problems, such as anger, grief, low self-esteem, and guilt, are also major causes. Other sources of stress include relationships, major life changes, as well as conflicts in one's beliefs and values. As per the Stress in America, survey by American Psychological Association (2012), sources of stress include monetary (75%), work (70%), economy (67%), relationships (58%), family responsibilities (57%), family's health (53%), personal health (53%), job stability (49%), housing (49%), and personal safety (32%). The source of the stress, thus, must be thought by deeply analyzing one's habits, attitude, and excuses as a first step to managing the stress. This strategy could be more effective by having a stress journal that involves noting down all the regular stressors in one's life and how the individual handles them.*

Identifying Ways to Manage and Cope

The second strategy is to look at how an individual manages and copes with the stress. One's cognitive reaction to a situation plays a significant role in determining how stressful a situation is to them. The reaction is characterized by an individual's appraisal of the nature, importance, and implications of the event and by their ability to effectively manage or cope with the event (Folkman, 2013). Using the stress journal, it is easier to identify the ways in which an individual handles their stress. However, it shows that most people use negative ways to cope with stress (Folkman, 2013). They delve in smoking, drinking too much, using pills or drugs, overreacting, withdrawing from people and activities among others to manage their stressful conditions. According to experts, in extreme stress, some people cope better than others given the same level of stress implying that everyone has a unique way of responding to stress (Folkman, 2013). Coping with stress can be divided into two more strategies. The first is the problem-focused strategy that relies on active and direct ways to tackle the problem. The other strategy, which is known as emotion-focused strategy, involves dealing with feelings rather than the actual problem itself. One bad way of dealing with stress is avoiding the stressor.

According to David Spiegel (2011), Stanford University's associate chair of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, avoiding the stressor makes one feel like it is not happening and the more it is avoided, the worse it gets. He further asserts that the more one deals with things that stress them out, the more mastery they have over them. Another way is whereby an individual does not get enough sleep because they stay up late. Lack of sleep only worsens one's emotional state and makes them more irritated with the stress. Some individuals often tend to live a sedentary lifestyle when stressed, instead of engaging in some activities. This explains why people under stress often end up being obese. Although it is advisable to talk to a friend when stressed, it is not good to overdo it in terms of venting and ranting about one's problems.*

Avoiding Unnecessary Stress

Another important strategy is to avoid unnecessary stress. Although one cannot necessarily avoid some stress, it is possible to eliminate a few number of stressors (Greenberg, 2011). The first step is to learn when to say no. This involves knowing one's limits and sticking to them. Secondly, one can avoid people who stress them out, including toxic relationships or friendships or even social gatherings with people who may cause stress. Another way is to be in control of one's environment (Greenberg, 2011). This involves being able to relax and seek an alternative whenever things do not go according to plans. One can also avoid topics that may annoy them which may lead to stress. One can choose not to participate in conversations that might bring ideological differences leading to stressful arguments. Planning one's to-do list can also be a way of eliminating a stressful situation, such as the pressure to beat a deadline or the pressure of having too much work to do at a particular time.*

Another strategy is to alter the stressful situation if one is incapable of avoiding it. The strategy involves trying to positively change the stressing situation. According to David Spiegel (2011), people undergoing stress are to take the following steps in changing a stressful situation: 1. Make a prioritized checklist of what needs to be addressed and tackle each item sequentially. 2. Not being afraid to ask people for help. 3. Knowing personal limits and guarding them. 4. Resting or taking breaks, getting enough sleep, and practicing self-soothing. 5. Maintaining a healthy diet and an exercise routine.In addition to these, one has to also face their fears rather than run away from them (Spiegel, 2011). Expressing one's feelings, seeking social support and finding ways to relax are other ways in which one can alter a stressful situation. Compromising for a happy outcome and efficient management of one's time are also necessary and helpful changes to make. Finally, an individual must be positive about such a situation and believe that they are going to come out of it (Spiegel, 2011).*

Adapting to the Situation

Adapting to the situation is another imperative stress management strategy. If one is unable to change their stressor, then they need to change themselves (Folkman, 2013). One can achieve the change by changing their attitude about the situation and expectations of the same. This could include having a positive outlook on the matter and adjusting one's standards on the circumstance (Folkman, 2013). An example may include setting lower goals that can be easily achieved without too much stress. Also, one has to view the stressful situation from a positive perspective by making a realistic assessment of the situation. Another way to adapt is by looking at the bigger picture. If the situation does not matter after a while, then there is no need to be stressed about it. Adapting to the situation also involves focusing on one's goal rather than the discomfort brought about by the stress (Folkman, 2013).*

In the situations that cannot be change, for example, the death of someone, it is easier to accept than live in denial since that will only exaggerate the situation and in the end, it will not solve the problem (Folkman, 2013). In such a situation, one is supposed to focus on things that are controllable that is their reaction towards the issue instead of the issue itself. By accepting one also learns to be stronger if they take the situation as an opportunity for personal growth. If the individual is the cause of the problem, then they learn from their mistakes after acceptance. Also, one needs to focus on themselves and not burden up with other people's issues (Folkman, 2013). After accepting, it is best for one to share how they feel to a close friend or a counselor. Finally, accepting the situation is to be followed by forgiveness in a case where the stress is caused by someone doing something wrong to a person (Folkman, 2013).*

Making Time to Relax

Relaxation is the refreshment of the body or mind. Making time to have fun and relax reduces stress and ensures that one is in a better position to handle the stress when it comes. When one is stressed, their bodies react with the "fight or flight" response. Their muscles become tense, heart and respiration rates increase, and other physiological systems become taxed (Kaspereen, 2012). Without the ability to relax, chronic stress or anxiety can lead to burnout, anger, irritability, depression, medical problems, etc. The "relaxation response" can be described as the body's ability to experience a decrease in heart rate, respiration rate, blood pressure, muscle tension, and oxygen consumption (Bryant, Friedman, Spiegel, Ursano, & Strain, 2011). Some of the healthy ways to relax include yoga which is designed in a way to aid in breathing and also allows for meditation, hence, relaxation is achieved. Participating in something one enjoys, like a hobby, helps to keep the mind from stressing things like work or any other pressure (Kaspereen, 2012). Spending time with positive people where one gets to talk and relieves his mind is equally important in relieving stress. Also, one can have some time alone where they also have enough time to meditate and make necessary decisions. Watching a film, listening to music, or reading a book also help in relaxation as one can escape from the situation for some time giving the body a time to rest. Benefits of relaxation include a reduction of generalized anxiety, prevention of cumulative stress, increased energy, improved concentration, reduction of some physical problems, and increased self-confidence (Kaspereen, 2012).*

Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle

Stress can be managed by strengthening one's physical health. Maintaining a balanced, healthy lifestyle is important in that it can help one reverse a stressful situation and also keeps him or her safe from chronic illnesses (Moore, Durstine, Painter, & American College of Sports Medicine, 2016). Healthy lifestyle habits also reduce frustrations and may also lead to added longevity in an individual. A healthy lifestyle is also important since it protects one from experiencing any stress in the future. A healthy lifestyle includes maintaining a balanced diet, exercising regularly, reducing caffeine and sugar intake, as well as avoiding alcohol and drugs.Studies suggest that by making the body stronger and healthier, exercise enhances one's ability to respond to stress, thus, protecting him or her from many of its negative effects, such as anxiety, depression, and heart disease. Regular exercise also helps to clean the body of the toxic substances released in the body due to stress (Moore, Durstine, Painter, & American College of Sports Medicine, 2016).

Observing what one eats is also a part of living a healthy lifestyle. Sugar and a large amount of starch are avoided because they raise insulin levels in the body making one vulnerable to diseases like diabetes. Caffeine increases levels of stress hormones in the body. It also increases one's heart rate which could lead to hypertension and other chronic diseases (Moore, Durstine, Painter, & American College of Sports Medicine, 2016). More vegetables are necessary as they enhance one's immune system, hence, protecting against chronic diseases. Alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs only give relief of stress at the moment but cause adverse health problems in the long run leading to more stress instead of reducing it.


Not all stress is negative. Some forms of stress are significant in that they push an individual into becoming better and achieving their goals. The negative stress, however, is harmful to an individual and has to be avoided at any cost. In the case of this type of stress, it is important that one follows the stress management strategies outlined above with self-discipline and control for their well-being.


American Psychological Association (2012). Stress in America survey. Retrieved December 2012 from http://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/stress/2011/final-2011.pdf

Bryant, R. A., Friedman, M. J., Spiegel, D., Ursano, R., & Strain, J. (2011). A review of acute stress disorder in DSM‐5. Depression and anxiety, 28(9), 802-817.

Folkman, S. (2013). Stress: appraisal and coping (pp. 1913-1915). Springer: New York.

Gorman, A. M., Healy, S. J., Jäger, R., & Samali, A. (2012). Stress management at the ER: regulators of ER stress-induced apoptosis. Pharmacology & therapeutics, 134(3), 306- 316.

Greenberg, J. S. (2011). Comprehensive stress management. McGraw-Hill Higher Education,.

Kaspereen, D. (2012). Relaxation intervention for stress reduction among teachers and staff. International Journal of Stress Management, 19(3), 238.

Moore, G., Durstine, J. L., Painter, P., & American College of Sports Medicine. (2016). ACSM’s Exercise Management for Persons With Chronic Diseases and Disabilities, 4E. Human Kinetics.

World Health Organization. (2015). Stress at the workplace. 2003. http://www. who. int/oceupational_health/topics/stressatwp/en

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