about ethics

The Role of Ethics in Human Actions

The moral values that govern a person's actions in general or when performing a certain action are referred to as ethics. In such cases, ethics is founded on laws or concepts that are built on people's perceptions of what is wrong or right. Human morality is resolved by ethics, which defines what goodness and evil are, or literally what is good and wrong. Our social lives are shaped by ethics because they control the choices we make on a regular basis, which inevitably establish cultural norms. The ethics of a person are dependent on their feelings and what they see fit to do or not to although mostly society determines ethics as individuals as the tendency to do what is right according to society usually appeals to people. Daily habits are a result of ethics, and usually, to enhance good ethics, there is a price to pay that most people are not willing to take part in at all. When a little lying or stealing can be for your best interest, then ethics get thrown out the window. In this case, Jordan taking credit for the whole presentation would mean that her ethics are questionable. Most people who are not grounded, act according to their ethical judgment even unwillingly at times, the inner person drives the choices we truly believe in, and by doing so, the real person comes out.

Ethical Dilemmas

There are different types of ethic applications from business to political ethics, although all are still standing by good values and morality regardless of it being in business, political military or even public sector ethics. Ethical dilemmas are in the categories of conflict of interest and loyalty and issues of honesty and integrity.The society is known to be keen on the ethics that one carries and by so they judge on that, being careful as to how you carry yourself ethically in any field proves to be the way to live a fulfilling life of minimal negativity.

A Majority's Resistance to Taking Responsibility

A majority of people tend not to want to be responsible for their actions or lack justification for their non-ethical issues. In such cases, they always ask, why to be ethical, what is the point when life in itself is too short to think about doing the right thing or even worry about what other people think. Well, the main reason for striving to have good ethics should always be to have a decent quality life that is full and worthy among fellow employees.

Jordan's Ethics And Actions

The quality of life is highly affected by the ethics you choose to live by; ethics affect not only the big decisions on whether or not to convict felons( Driver, 2013). Ethics in Jordan's case means that she can accept that she was not the only one responsible for the outcome of the presentation and acknowledge April's contribution, such decisions also exercise ethical beliefs and standings and in turn reveal the true us. Good ethics promote flourishing in life, but bad ethics promote misery and usually harsh criticism from society at large. If Jordan chooses to take the promotion without letting Luis know the truth it will mean that even her relationship with April will strain with hard feelings and shame on her part. Although what makes one thing ethical for one person is not to say it makes it ethical to everyone because not all ethical questions have the same answer leading to moral dilemmas which are usually inevitable. Jordan faces the moral dilemma of being portrayed as a malicious, selfish person who has no integrity. Some situations corner us and challenge our judgment leading us in a stuck position where we have no idea which moves to make decision wise. Such decisions are heavily reliant on an individual's values, whether they stand with truth or find their relationships to be of little meaning to them. In the case of a hard judgment, it is only proper to think more selflessly on the decision to make, Jordan should think how it would feel if the decision she makes was to be public worldwide. Thinking if the decision will have good results and how it will speak of her character to others if the action she wants to take speaks of what she stand for and believe in and also whether there is a rule that works universally for that particular situation so as to do the same(Driver, 2013). By asking herself these questions it allows a decision to be made competently, honestly and with proper rationale, but even in so doing it does not mean that everyone is going to agree with it or applaud the decision.

Business Ethics

Ethics is the criteria used by the public to pass judgment on others, so it is important to make decisions wisely knowing that they are a portrayal of the true person. There are various situations that require our ethics to be put to play; it may be a business or domestic setting that may require your ethics to settle matters or to give direction. In the field of business, Jordan should consider that it is a very positive thing to have good ethics as it attracts customers or clients in whichever case and builds a strong loyalty from them. Additionally, as creative supervisors both Jordan and April should take their position of leadership seriously and show a good example. Having high standards within the organization, and the workers who reduce the public's negative backlash from doing wrong, resulting in making a positive impact in the community. Emphasizing on the importance of having good ethics and how it will raise the standards of the business to employees and any other person concern in your organization goes a long way to ensuring no one remains ignorant on the matter (Driver, 2013).

Innovativeness and Strong Will in Business

Innovativeness and strong will to succeed are a good business motivator, but the core has to be a strong moral backbone that will ensure longevity (Laidlaw, 2014). Jordan and April show their business ethic by the amazing presentation they created. It is important to point out to the ones involved in the organization that honesty builds trust from others and by Jordan being honest about the help she received, the confidence of other employees and even that of her senior, Luis the executive creative director shall remain in her and her ethics. Loyalty goes a long way in ensuring that no hidden individual benefits are being sought out and that the only agenda is to the interest of both the individual and the organization (Laidlaw, 2014). Jordan's loyalty to April shall speak volumes on her ethics, In this case where there is the conflict of loyalty only good ethics can get her out of it.

The Importance of Respect, Fairness, and Accountability in Business

Respect for people and being fair to them ensures harmony as there is the sense of equality for everyone who comes in contact with the organization. A law-abiding citizen is appealing as a business owner or even an employee, not being entangled in legal wrangles is unappealing to clients, it puts them off because it taints the reputation of the organization to be shady and untrustworthy. It is imperative to be accountable as this is a sign that the people's trust can be on you and you will not be shady about all the business affairs. Good leadership skills enhance business; this happens when the leader has good ethics that are good regarding general conduct with others and even increasing opportunities for the youth in business is a quality that represents good ethics. The ability to be a good leader embodies minding the well-being of others. The reputation is primary for its survival and even the ability to outlive other businesses; business owners should take proper care of the reputation of their organization, employees, and themselves to say the least, by doing so there is the confidence that the good name will remain. Business reputation affects the flow of business doing all this definitely will bring positive feedback from consumers and rise in customers consequently increasing the morale of employees and enhancing a healthy work environment (Laidlaw, 2014).

Jordan's Conflicts of Interest, Loyalty, Honesty, and Integrity

It is evident that Jordan is having a conflict of interest, loyalty and issues of her honesty and integrity are being put to the test, in such a scenario she has to apply her instincts that are keeping her from accepting the offer. What is ethical to her and the eyes of the organization, in general, should be her points of consideration in the decision making. Ensuring that the relationship between her and her co-worker remains solid should be her highest priority. Jordan choosing to remain loyal and honest, about Aprils 'role in the outcome of the presentation shows good ethics and selflessness.


Driver, J. (2013) Ethics; the fundamentals. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley &sons.
Laidlaw, J. (2014). The subject of virtue: An anthropology of ethics and freedom. Cambridge,
England: Cambridge University Press.

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