The Importance of Risk and Protective Factors in Drug Abuse

Substance abuse is the hazardous use of substances that affect the mind such as illicit drugs and alcohol. Repeated use of psychoactive substances has the potential of causing dependence syndrome. The addiction manifests itself typically through various cognitive, behavioral and physiological phenomena that emerge after chronic substance use and the person experiences uncontrollable desires to consume the drug. Furthermore, the person finds themselves persistently taking the medication in full knowledge of the consequences that it has. Behavioral change makes the use and abuse of substance to make people prioritize the use of drugs at the expense of obligations and activities. Additionally, the victim develops increased tolerance and, in some cases, develop physical withdrawal symptoms. The most frequently abused drugs are khat, tobacco, cannabis, alcohol, stimulants, tranquilizers, and cocaine (US Department of Health and Human Services 2004).

Policies that regulate the levels and patterns of consumption of substance can make significant contributions in minimizing public health problems caused by substance abuse. Interventions from the healthcare departments can also assist to restore the deteriorating health of the affected individuals.

Risk Factors and Protective Factors

Factors that have a higher likelihood of drug abuse are known as risk factors whereas those with insignificant potential are the protective factors. Prevention programs should lower down risk factors and enhance protective factors. The chances of commencing the abuse of drugs entail a combination of the type of risk and parental factors such as protective support. The risk factors may include deviant behaviors and attitudes (US Department of Health and Human Services 2004).

The potential effect of particular risk and protective factors are dependent on age. For instance, the risk factors in the setup of a family have a higher impact on a minor whereas the interaction with peers who abuse drugs may become a significant risk factor for the teenagers.

Peer Pressure

There is a higher likelihood of a peer group or friend being the source of information for the users of drugs regarding the availability and the alleged impacts. The expectations and interests of a peer group are critical in the determination of whether someone will be lured into using drugs. Many scientists have devised various explanations for the reasons why people start associating themselves with drugs and then resort to abuse. One plausible explanation is that when someone begins to use drugs, they make friendship with drug-abusing peers and that has the potential of exposing the person to other drugs (Tompsett, Domoff, " Toro, 2013).


The intervention of the risk factors such as poor self-control and aggressive behavior at an early stage plays a prominent role in the response of the path of the child and set them on a trajectory of positive behavior while keeping them away from problems. Close parental supervision and monitoring are crucial in the prevention of drug abuse. Skills of surveillance on children are scalable through training on the techniques for keeping a close check on the activities, setting the rules and commending the children for appropriate behavior. Setting family rules that enhance consistent and moderate disciple. The information and some education for the caregivers and parents reinforce the knowledge that children learn in school about the detrimental effects of drugs. Further, it also opens more avenues for family discussions regarding the abuse of illegal and legal substances (Tompsett et al., 2013).

Public Health

In the intervention, professionals and health officials can focus on psychiatric diagnosis, counseling, treatment of mental illness and trauma reaction for service enhancement and improvement. There can be a need for adjustments in the behavior and attitude because of the deep-rooted dependence on medicine and the long-established practice in the field of mental health. Health professionals strive to advise people inculcate proper tolerance for the repeated and common high levels of stress in the contemporary life and prepare themselves to handle different types of stress through diverse approaches without the aid of drugs or alcohol (Tompsett et al., 2013).

Forms of Chemical Use and Abuse

The use of a substance entails the following activities and intentions. There must be planning of substance use. Additionally, it's always euphoria or to make the body and mind to relax. Substance use in normal circumstance is a social undertaking executed in the company of other people. In the case of alcohol, use of a substance is limited to not more than two bottles of beer. Using substance which in most cases are drugs exceeding the reasonable limits leads to nausea, headache, hangover and vomiting (Shaw, 2002).


The symptoms of abuse are a drastic increase intolerance as the person concerned can take more than two bottles without experiencing any ill effect. Abuse of drugs and alcohol is usually intentioned for getting drunk or high. Abusers of substance do use the drugs to alter their feelings or even run away from stress or undesirable mental state. Abuse of drugs continues despite the negative implications (Shaw, 2002). Under normal circumstances, people eat foods and drink water or even take medications to maintain their standard range of performance, perception, feeling, and functionality. The propensity for abusing drugs increases when they encounter a moral strain or confusion. Due to that, the only option that they can easily embrace is to resort to substance abuse. Such people fall prey to the abuse of substance because of the lack of suitable guidance or even when they are annoyed (Shaw, 2002).

Effects of Drugs

When the drugs enter the bloodstream using sniffing, injecting and chewing, they go straight to the brain. The drugs then affect the brain by impairing its normal functions. Substance abuse depresses the brain by enabling the user to become less strained. The drug activates the release of the inhibitions that guard behavior. Drugs also impact the bodily motor functions manifested by the inability to walk, double vision, slurred speech, and wobbling when walking. The substance also retards the brain area controls thought and judgment. When drugs interfere with a conscience, they hamper the capacity to think, understand and remember. Someone may even kill while being oblivious to their actions (Shaw, 2002).

Substance abuse correlates with myriad health-related complications, family breakups, violence, and truancy. Consumption of alcohol causes a reduction in productivity, poor health, domestic violence, neglect and child abuse, the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, road accidents among many more (Shaw, 2002).

Abuse of tobacco causes various types of cancer such as throat and mouth cancer. Marijuana causes a reduction in physical endurance and at times memory lapse. Drug dependence also causes, lung, liver, heart diseases, damage to the brain, and vitamin defiance. Use of drugs particularly during adolescents messes up with the usual process of maturity (Shaw, 2002).


Shaw, V. N. (2002). Substance use and abuse: Sociological perspectives. Greenwood Publishing Group.

Tompsett, C. J., Domoff, S. E., " Toro, P. A. (2013). Peer substance use and homelessness predicting substance abuse from adolescence through early adulthood. American journal of community psychology, 51(3-4), 520-529.

US Department of Health and Human Services. (2004). Preventing drug use among children and adolescents. Istraživanja u defektologiji, (4), 79-102.

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