The Importance of Early Identification of Mental Illness in Children

A pragmatic and timely solution in the provision of sound mental health care to children entails formulation of regulations and policies that allow parents, caregivers and early childhood-based institutions the capability for early identification, monitoring, and treatment of children with mental disorders. If detected at an early age, treatment can begin immediately and hence prevent an escalation towards a full-blown mental disorder. This can be achieved through an integration of a school-based monitoring program and support system (Kemp, 2007).

Whereby potential cases of mental illness can be detected at an early age, and dealt with appropriately.

Policies and regulations also provide for a vibrant workforce on mental health specialist for both the adolescents and children; thus greatly increasing the efficiency in which mental health care is given, to the deserving children and adolescents. ( O’Brien “Hauser 2016)


The above scenario is in accordance with the U.S Department of Health and Human Services for Healthy People Initiative 2020 that aims at promoting community education, as one of the goals geared towards achieving all-rounded health of its citizens. The initiative stipulates that community health is an instrumental component in the early identification of children’s mental health care. This realization emphasizes the critical role of education in preventing illnesses; improving both physical and mental health; and improving the overall quality of life. Community education enables public and community members to be in a position of detecting signs of mental illness from an early stage, and adoption of appropriate mechanisms and avenues set in place. However, the above realization is hindered by lack of proper funding and political will. This means that community education and outreach programs essential in identifying problems of mental illness among children and youth should be funded by the federal government. Proper funding will accord this target population timely early assessment, and care required in coping with early mental health incidences. In effect, this will give parents, teachers and other community leaders the knowledge and resources to identify mental illness problems so as to refer them to the necessary organs. (Mosher, "Lorenzo 1989)

Advantage one

The advantage of early identification programs like school-based mental health monitoring system is that potential cases of mental illnesses will be detected from an early stage. This will enable treatment or referral in severe or acute cases. Research has shown that the building blocks for sound mental health are structured early in life (Kemp, 2007). This means that a child’s early experiences and relationships form the basis for developing a sound brain. Interferences of brain development due to mental illness at this age impact negatively on overall growth, development, and transition of a child into adulthood.

Through early detection programs, policies and initiatives; a potential mental illness problem can be nipped at the bud, or managed at an early age, so as to set the stage for a wholesome development of a child. This ensures a child forges healthy relationships with others and has a good potential for learning. Also, potential societal problems associated with mental illness like dropping out of school; juvenile delinquency; and homelessness can be prevented from happening.

Advantage two

Another advantage of employing early detection programs is that data can be collected and analyzed. Data collected can be used to make informed decisions on improving mental health care. The gathered information can be disseminated among relevant mental health stakeholders in accordance to set out privacy policies set up by the government for the mental health caregivers. This will improve service delivery and learning experiences on children's mental health care. These learning experiences provide stakeholders with simulation scenarios that can be adopted in providing a better policy framework, in regard to mental health concerns. An improved policy framework will ensure easier identification and mitigation of negative influences; and promotion of good mental health enabling environments.

Advantage Three

More so early identification programs are advantageous since they have the potential to promote a cohesive and stable environment for caregivers. This is due to the fact that overall physical and mental health of children is directly knotted to the sound operational functioning of their parents, guardians, and relevant caregivers. For caregivers to be effective, it is imperative that a conducive environment that enables them to address and cushion children from possible mental health stressors. Caregivers should be capacitated in their efforts to address the problems of mental health in a holistic manner that also encompasses the children’s environmental setting. This will foster the creation of a wholesome community that is positively interdependent on each other for sound mental health to children.


In conclusion, early identification programs offer the best possible solution to tackle challenges facing children and youth mental health care. This solution provides for the adoption of an integrated approach that puts into consideration interests of the target population, parents, caregivers, government and other relevant stakeholders.


Kemp, D. R. (2007). Mental Health in America. Contemporary world issues. Santa Barbara.CA

Mosher, Loren R.; Burti, Lorenzo (1989). Community Mental Health: Principles and Practice. New York: Norton

O'Brien, E. R., " Hauser, M. A. (2016). Supervision and agency management for counselors: A practical approach. New York: Springer Publishing Company

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