Protestant Rationality and Capitalism

Max Weber's belief in the Protestant Ethics in the management of religious activities and capitalism played a significant part in assuring the unfavorable economic conditions throughout the history of economic development. Weber's fundamental beliefs regarding the turning moments of the general schools of thought do, in fact, mesh well with those of English and German scholars. In the essay, I will examine the Protestant Ethics of Max Weber and the role of capitalism in economic progress.

The concerns of contemporary economics, which provide justifications for the functioning of industrial societies, were among the themes that helped it become logical. Instead of focusing on the purposes of government policies in influencing the aggregate economic changes such as demand and supply of goods and services. He spent most of his German school time studying the modern capitalism, nature, and significance. The research narrowed down his primary focus on solving particular issues affecting communist economies together with the outstanding presentation of Idealism.

Max Weber’s greatest input has undisputedly remained the unique study and relating religion with capitalism in 1920. The book “The Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism,” traced back the historical linkages that Protestantism and Capitalism shared. Despite, the claims of earlier writers’ contribution to the linking, Max gets credits for giving specific instances on how the mechanism of beliefs, behavioral and general asceticism collaborates to bring modern capitalism.


In summary, Weber’s ideology and study of the Protestant Ethics and Capitalism assisted scholars in understanding the nature, connection, and development of beliefs that forms a capitalist. Afterward, Weber and Karl Marx differed on the class categories in political and economic actions. Weber disputed the act of adding extra “status group” citing that in society the social status was only significant in outlasting the lifestyle but would change after sometimes.

Works Cited

Weber, Max. The Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism and other writings. Penguin, 2002.

Marx, Karl, and Friedrich Engels. The communist manifesto. Penguin, 2002.

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