Persuasive Essay on Television

Television in the Past

Television in the past was the most praised item as it was owned by a few people. Owning such a gadget would attract a multitude of people but as time goes technology has really brought a few changes here and there. There is a high demand from the viewers of what content they want on their television screens. Greenfield emphasizes that

Advancement and Challenges

the size of the screen is of importance too, the wider the viewing area the more audience it accommodates and that is ideal for commercial purposes. Although Greenfield does not say so directly, he apparently assumes that based on his experience in the industry, advancement would be a false belief. Furthermore,

Contradiction and Innovation

Greenfield contradicts himself stating that due to the advancement of the new technology, it is relatively hard for the television industry to grow further. It has been contributed by the innovations of smartphones which has been joyfully welcomed by a large population. Greenfield creates a good tone on the brief understanding of the television revolution. Basing on the Greenfield article, strategies used are explained to meet his purpose and the effectiveness of the strategy implementation are to be discussed.

Brand Promotion and Ethos

Brands are always advertised by the logo design used, the logos carry a message that relatively markets the company or the product attached to. Greenfield is known to have used logos to ensure that his audience is convinced of the services he provides, through that strategy, people were convinced. He adds that even though television was perceived to have brought isolation among human beings, it has brought about the unity of people. There are various television shows that have been created in various channels which promotes a certain doctrine relatively important to the viewers (Russell 306). Through the shows, people get to learn various things as well as being a form of entertainment. In order for one to persuade somebody to go for something, one has to be credible, authoritative and must show honesty in the process. Such feature is called ethos, Greenfield takes charge and shows people the history of television in the early 1970's, in the process he gets to win up the mindsets of the audience.

Honesty and Credibility

On the other hand, the trait of honesty is seen where he agrees that he had contradicted himself by stating that the television commercial business would continue to sink due to the advancement of the technology. According to Greenfield's idea, "The enormous pressures which force television into its relatively narrow boundaries are not likely to widen in the foreseeable future" (3). Within a span of less than a year, the industry showed an increment in growth level which was contradictory to his support statement. Honesty promotes the persuasive ability and thus the reader is relatively convinced to buy his idea (Mastropieri 17). Credibility is another key persuasive point that is highly considered, the reader has gone through the history of television in guidance with the author, is relatively convinced.

Pathos and Monopoly

Pathos is another key point; it is the process of appealing emotions in the direction of the targeted audience. Greenfield portrays this aspect by letting people know the effects that came in the television industry. He goes on and states the problem faced by anybody trying to create a different network other than the ones present (Shelton 366). Three networks were working nationwide and no one had any authority to come up with one of his kind. Its monopoly came to an end after several years. In 1975, RCA came up with first of two "Satcom" communication satellites which marked the death of three network monopolies (3). Advanced technology is likely to have caused the end of monopoly period as various gadgets were introduced, cell phones that could assess the internet were invented and thus easy access to information. Despite the presence of the mobile phones, people are still on the run to purchase the televisions. Televisions are nowadays taken to be offering one form of entertainment.

Television and Economic Growth

Televisions have promoted quick propagation of news in the current times, a good number of people can assess a television or if not owns one. Creation of various television stations has enabled many citizens to get employed (Tepper 159). This has promoted good living standards of the citizens and is always contributing to the country's gross domestic product. The living standards of the people are always one of the key factors the government uses to measure the growth of the economy.

Diverse Opinions and Innovation

In the past, there were writers who had different opinions and would put it down without considering anyone's idea. According to Dick Wolf, he believes that "broadcasting is different from cable" (4). The different opinions at hand promoted interaction of diverse ideas given (Larkey 463). It enhanced freedom of choice to work on an idea but without going against the set laws. With that in mind, various innovations were welcomed and that has really changed the way things are done. Advancement in technology stands to be the best sector in terms of improvements.

Technological Advancements

Greenfield had good ideas which were welcomed by many, he knew how to articulate the ideas and sending the message home was his point of efficiency. Speaking of the past, there were few steps made when it comes to the technology, but comparing to the present day, a good number of changes have been witnessed (Boserup 1981). Technology is making the world a smaller village, people can get assessed to news at any given time with the help of the mobile phones. The television sets used in the past have now changed their functionality and shape. The developers have made it portable and their sizes placed in an attractive state. People could view the television sets but what ran back in their mind was bulk of questions. Daniel Boorstein says that the television brought a feeling of separation and restriction in that, a person could view something but no one else could know how he or she reacts to it. It thus meant that one may be torturing oneself psychologically in the event of making the right judgment.

Effective Communication Strategies

In the event of coming up with right strategies to be employed, one has to consider various factors. Any given piece of knowledge or information to be passed should be done in the right manner and follow the right channels (Turk 29). Every step is vital as if the information is relayed wrongly, then the target group may not welcome it at all. Honesty, credibility and the power of being in authority majorly contributes to a good passage of a message. Those are the traits that really promoted buying of Greenfield idea. According to (Graft 2006), for one to gain knowledge on various techniques, one should get to read various materials relevant to the field. Through that one gets to gain experience on and thus improvement shall be realized.

Positive and Negative Impacts

Even though people have majorly benefited from the television, it has, on the other hand, promoted evil morals. There can be channels mend for the adults but are accessible to the children. With a daily routine of watching the events taking place, one can be tempted to put in to practice. The use of vulgar language by various musicians being aired on the screens mostly changes one mode of thinking (Gentina 639). Others can decide to use it as a form of trendy styles, emulation of other peoples form of dressing has majorly resulted from the kind of things aired on the television screens.

Advantages of Television

On the other hand, television came with various advantages. It has promoted easier access to the news (Davis 85). People from any part of the country can get to learn of what is taking place in the nation. Every part of the country has got various news reporters on the ground, creation of jobs has been welcomed in that lane.


In conclusion, strategies that have been employed in order for Greenfield idea to be bought and various strategic implementation discussed. The three strategies are; use of logos, pathos, and honesty. Generally, for any given idea to be welcomed, the above traits should be used. For the further advancement of the television industry, better strategies should be laid down to promote its growth. Lastly, with the radical changes in technology globally, the idea should be welcomed with a greater strength.

Works Cited

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