innovation and creativity

The video discusses innovation and creativity

Linda Hill, the speaker, discusses the research she and her colleagues conducted on various leaders in multiple nations on creativity. She dispels the myth that innovation is the result of a single brilliant idea. She refutes this assumption by claiming that invention is the result of communal genius. This implies that shared knowledge and ideas foster creativity (Hill, 2014). According to the movie, all invention passes through a number of processes, some of which confront severe hurdles that can leave the entire endeavor outdated. Innovation is a paradox that needs the input of different people with different expertise to put together the pieces. In any innovations, mistakes are made, setbacks are incurred and lose are made. This shows that innovation is a journey that requires the collective effort of different minds. Leadership is the driving force towards innovation. Visionary leadership is what most people think is necessary for innovation (Hill, 2014). However, Linda Hill asserts that leading innovation revolves around the creation of space that allows people to perform their hard duties as a community.

The topic can be applied to the textbook chapter

by highlighting the significance of leadership in innovation. The chapter gives the various stages of innovation but fails to reiterate the importance of collective effort in innovation. The information in from the video places various aspects of innovation into perspectives, such as anticipation of setbacks and challenges and the significance of sharing ideas as opposed to competition (Hill, 2014).

The deeper insight into innovation by the speaker, Linda Hill surprised me

She points out the misconception of innovation being done by individual geniuses and points out that it is always a group effort.


Hill, L. (Director). (2014). How to manage for collective creativity | Linda Hill | TEDxCambridge [Motion Picture].

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