Essays on Workplace

Business Analysis Techniques

According to Duboff (2011) marketing research is the process of collecting information about the business’ competitors, market, and customers. I conducted an interview with three Subject Matter Experts (SME) doing research work as their primary occupation to understand the role of market research. There were three open-ended questions that I...

Words: 393

Pages: 2

The Relationship Between Employers and College Students

Employers and college student’s perception towards various issues is an aspect that has a lot of discrepancies. In the article “Well Prepared in Their own eyes” by Scott Jaschik demonstrates on some of the issues that students and employers agree on and those that they differ over. However, what is...

Words: 311

Pages: 2

My Experience as a Secretary General

All my life I have always believed in working hard to achieve anything I desire to possess or own personally. It is for this reason that anything that turns out to negate this norm would make me upset and I entirely cannot live with anyone or any group that cannot...

Words: 576

Pages: 3

The Importance of Trust and Commitment in Team Communication

Trust and Commitment: Pillars of a Successful Team Trust and commitment are two critical pillars of a successful team. They foster collaboration, trustworthy relationships, problem-solving skills, communication, and fulfillment of the set objectives. The absence of trust and commitment adversely affect the way team members communicate while working. The Impact of Lack...

Words: 422

Pages: 2

My Ideal Workplace

A workplace is a composition of many factors Some of these factors are more important than others. These factors include the location of the workplace, the size of the company and the culture of the organization. An employee's productivity is determined by how well they fit into their work environment. It...

Words: 546

Pages: 2

Health and Safety Committee

For fifteen years, it has been a tradition at the Hillside International to offer snacks to employees. The staff attests to the importance of this arrangement. For two years now, the company has been providing coffee and cookies for the workers refreshment. However, the company has decided to offer the...

Words: 240

Pages: 1

Workplace Stress Study

The workplace in many organizations has become a stress-filled environment as employees face burdens such as tight work deadlines, lack of job satisfaction, long working hours and also the pressure to perform better than others. According to Grawitch, Gottschalk, " Munz (2006), workplace stress not only affects the well-being of...

Words: 935

Pages: 4

Importance of Higher Pay in Increasing Productivity

People's Motivation and Higher Pay People naturally require motivation to work. Consequently, they can be motivated by a higher pay to add more effort to their work and thus increase productivity. When one's payment is increased due to work is done, the person due to gratitude can increase his/her efforts at...

Words: 476

Pages: 2

The Impact of Minimum Wage on Unemployment

The minimum wage has been a contentious issue in most countries in the world. There are proponents and antagonists for the issue and many concerns have been raised about the benefits and pitfalls of each argument. In the United Kingdom, the government and bodies such as Low Pay Commission (LPC)...

Words: 2212

Pages: 9

Risk Management at Workplace

Identification of Context for Risk Management Identification of the context for risk management is vital in establishing the internal and external parameters that are considered when responding to risks. Identifying tools and ensuring all reasonable steps are taken to determine risks is essential to estimate the inputs required in responding to...

Words: 364

Pages: 2

Ergonomic Workstation Benefits

The report provides an extensive analysis  of  the benefits an ergonomic workstation in relation to the advantages that come from investing in a well and properly designed workstation. It also provides the analysis of the results of a research conducted using a structured data collection by the use of questionnaire...

Words: 2056

Pages: 8

The Importance of Customer Service

Different customers have different perspectives of customer service and sometimes disregard the set-out procedures that allow smooth flow of things in organisations. In Stacy s case, I would apologise for the inconvenience caused by the library. A polite and an honest apology will help her cool down and lower her...

Words: 1879

Pages: 7

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