Essays on Social Studies

Outsiders: Study in the sociology of deviance

The work expands on sociology and the traditional study of deviance. It complements scientific inferences that attempt to explain human nature by adding more knowledge about pseudoscience. It also offers ideas regarding how an individual develops their sense of self. As a result, the book establishes a connection between behavior,...

Words: 1211

Pages: 5

Claude Levi-Strauss

The French anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss, who is credited with founding structural anthropology, made the claim that human beings tend to group together either physical or social objects, which explains the dichotomous nature of academic models of society. These models include local-cosmopolitan ones (Merton), folk-urban ones (Redfield), universalist ones (Parsons), and...

Words: 4294

Pages: 16

Social Stratification

Sociologists frequently use the phrase "social stratification" to describe a system of social position. As a result, society groups people into socioeconomic tiers based on hierarchical rankings that are primarily based on numerous characteristics like power, income, race, wealth, and education. Caste-based Societies People are unable to modify their social standing...

Words: 1477

Pages: 6

Social theories: Cengage advantage, sociology

Social Theories Social theories are academic viewpoints that try to explain how society as a whole behaves. According to functionalist theory, all societal institutions must work together to maintain social stability. The theory holds that since the institutions are interdependent, it is impossible to link security to a single system. The...

Words: 399

Pages: 2

Spirituality and Religion in Psychotherapy

Sociological Perspective on ReligionSociologically speaking, religion is a unifying force that fosters cohesion and has the ability to influence societal beliefs as a whole.Interplay Between Religion and PsychiatryReligious organizations were in charge of caring for those who were mentally ill in a community up until the 19th century, which is...

Words: 443

Pages: 2

Durkheim's Thesis on Social Solidarity

Emile Durkheim, a Frenchman, made enormous contributions to social science. Through his thesis, Durkheim went into great detail about how the division of labor in society affects society as a whole. Durkheim argues that a division of labor benefits society by increasing the potential for reproduction, enhancing worker competence, and...

Words: 1204

Pages: 5

The study of aging from an interdisciplinary perspective

One of the main subjects in sociology as well as other academic fields, particularly psychology and legal studies, is aging. This study aims to investigate how aging is conceptualized, explained, and quantified in sociology. As a result, the study will identify the various sociological ideas, data kinds, and approaches sociologists...

Words: 1205

Pages: 5

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