Essays on Social Studies

Outsiders: Study in the sociology of deviance

The work expands on sociology and the traditional study of deviance. It complements scientific inferences that attempt to explain human nature by adding more knowledge about pseudoscience. It also offers ideas regarding how an individual develops their sense of self. As a result, the book establishes a connection between behavior,...

Words: 1211

Pages: 5

Claude Levi-Strauss

The French anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss, who is credited with founding structural anthropology, made the claim that human beings tend to group together either physical or social objects, which explains the dichotomous nature of academic models of society. These models include local-cosmopolitan ones (Merton), folk-urban ones (Redfield), universalist ones (Parsons), and...

Words: 4294

Pages: 16

The Help a Cause Exercise for Seventh-Grade Social Studies Class

The exercise's primary focus on environmental protection The exercise's primary focus will be on illustrating environmental protection. This is due to the fact that environmental conservation is one of the most pressing problems in modern civilization. Therefore, the purpose of this activity is to show students how they can help protect...

Words: 656

Pages: 3

Policing Policies

Various social scientists have various opinions on how the police force affects crime. Some people contend that the cops are powerless to stop and manage crime. Others believe that police assistance significantly lowers the crime rate. Over the past ten years, violent violence has decreased in the United States. The...

Words: 2771

Pages: 11

disciplinary conventions that are used in categorizing a piece of writing

A work of writing can be categorized according to a variety of disciplinary conventions, which are typically separated into the social sciences, humanities, and sciences. In the comparative rhetorical study of Lora E. Vess' "Examining Race & Racism in the University: A Class Project" and John Streamas' "Narrative Politics in...

Words: 871

Pages: 4

Social Facts and Emile Durkheim Essay

Through his theories, which are frequently employed to explain human behavior and their connections with society, Durkheim made substantial contributions to the area of sociology. Sociologists and other social science experts are particularly interested in his contributions, which include the creation of the social facts theory. His research on suicide and the...

Words: 1025

Pages: 4

Simmel's stranger

The Stranger is a piece of human science by Georg Simmel that was originally written as an introduction to a chapter on room humanism in his book Sociology. Simmel described the notion of the outsider as a distinct sociological class in this piece. He distinguishes between the outsider and the...

Words: 1225

Pages: 5

Theoretical perspectives in sociology: functionalism

Functionalism and Marxism Functionalism is one of the main theoretical strands in sociology. Functionalism focuses on achieving social order in order to maintain the stability of society. This theory focuses on the macro level of the social structure of the society, where each component is necessary for the stability of the...

Words: 957

Pages: 4

Social Stratification

Sociologists frequently use the phrase "social stratification" to describe a system of social position. As a result, society groups people into socioeconomic tiers based on hierarchical rankings that are primarily based on numerous characteristics like power, income, race, wealth, and education. Caste-based Societies People are unable to modify their social standing...

Words: 1477

Pages: 6

Social theories: Cengage advantage, sociology

Social Theories Social theories are academic viewpoints that try to explain how society as a whole behaves. According to functionalist theory, all societal institutions must work together to maintain social stability. The theory holds that since the institutions are interdependent, it is impossible to link security to a single system. The...

Words: 399

Pages: 2

Impact of Technology Changes

The first week of sociology The first week focused on comprehending the term "sociology," including its definition, historical context, subfields, and current methods of study. Sociology is a field of study that primarily focuses on how people interact with one another and how social structures, classifications, and organizations can influence how...

Words: 1133

Pages: 5

Ethics, Ethical Dilemma, Policies and Regulations on Ethical Behaviours Ethical Issues

Today, sociologists and philosophers have classified moral theories into three main categories: meta, normative, and applied ethics (Zaidi 2013). The history and significance of ethical principles are extensively researched in meta-ethics, which also seeks to determine if they are limited to societal interventions or encompass more than just human emotional...

Words: 1268

Pages: 5

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