Essays on Sculpture

The Art of Baroque Period

Bernini’s Ecstasy of St. Teresa Bernini was a prominent sculptor in Rome. He worked on the sculpture of the Ecstasy of Saint Teresa between the years 1647 and 1652. Bernini created the chapel as a theater of his sculpture. The statue is set to a position above and behind the altar....

Words: 876

Pages: 4

Baroque style in painting and sculpture

The Baroque style and technique is used in painting, sculpture and various work of art. It is a style that uses exagerated motion to communicate a clear message that can easily be understood and interpreted. Index Artist Date Title/Description Key areas that fit in the style Reason for choosing...

Words: 347

Pages: 2

Bruce Nauman's Life

Bruce Nauman was an American who was born on 6th December 1941. His works are artistic, protecting photography, printmaking, video, sculpture, and performance. He has received some awards due to his works, some of them being: Larry Aldrich Awards, Golden Lion at 53rd Venice Biennale. His work was diverse, with...

Words: 1778

Pages: 7

Bust of Athena and Kali

The Bust of Athena is a sculpture that was developed by the Romans in 2nd century. Athena has been used to symbolize the goddess warfare and wisdom. It is believed that she would give warriors wisdom and struggle lucks and that was obtained from her strategies. 2000 years earlier than...

Words: 2961

Pages: 11

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