Essays on Reproductive Health

Moral Permissibility of Abortion

When a girl or woman gets pregnant, she can be in a difficult situation, especially if she isn't prepared to raise a child. Whether abortion is morally acceptable to allow her to end the pregnancy is one point that one might raise. The majority of traditionalists respond "no," and those...

Words: 1473

Pages: 6

An Ethical Dilemma

It was morally and legally correct for the organizations, Wheaton College and Hobby Lobby Craft Store, to deny birth control coverage to their respective staff and students. Due to their conviction that the use of birth control goes against their religious principles and beliefs, several organizations have chosen to deny...

Words: 862

Pages: 4

Sex Differences

The current study sought to examine gender variations in response to emotional and sexual infidelity. There was a lot of curiosity about how male and female participants' responses to sexual and emotional infidelity might be affected by relationship connection. To that purpose, 638 people volunteered to fill out questionnaires about...

Words: 3161

Pages: 12

The Group polarization

Group Polarization After listening to and hearing from the supporters, the girlfriend simply decides to change her views, becoming a victim of group polarization. Group polarization occurs when a conversation causes a certain group to adopt actions and attitudes that are more extreme than the participants’ previous beliefs and actions. Polarization...

Words: 315

Pages: 2

Should Sex Education Be Increased in School to Reduce Teenage Pregnancy?

The Importance of Sex Education in Schools The process of learning about and forming opinions about sexual identity, sex, intimacy, and relationships is referred to as sex education. Sex education also refers to the process of giving young people the skills they need to make better behavioral judgments and to feel...

Words: 355

Pages: 2

Factors Promoting Prostitution and its Impact on Sex Workers

Factors Favoring Prostitution and Their Effects on Sex WorkersProstitution is a business practice that involves sexual acts in exchange for money, services, goods, or any other benefits that emerge from the sexual interaction. Prostitution is regarded as the oldest profession, stretching back thousands of years, in which women participated as...

Words: 1046

Pages: 4

The Grandmother Hypothesis

The Grandmother Hypothesis and Alloparental CareThe grandmother hypothesis suggests that the long post-reproductive life span of human females evolved as a fitness benefit. That is, if women gained an extra fitness benefit by investing in their adult offspring and their grandchildren rather than reproducing until old age, selection could have...

Words: 581

Pages: 3

Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure

Prostitution in Cleland's Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure By definition, prostitution is the act of having sex with someone in exchange for money. Prostitution is sometimes considered a social sin, however other people still contend that it is a legitimate vocation that belongs in the public sphere. In...

Words: 983

Pages: 4

consent of parents for minor's abortion

In the case of American Academy of Pediatrics v. Lungren, a legal dispute ensued in California's Supreme Court in 1997, opposing the validity of the state's law forcing women under the age of eighteen to seek parental permission or judicial approval before performing an abortion (Musser 285). The legislation was...

Words: 2650

Pages: 10


Abortion and Society s Moral QuestionsAbortion continues to be one of society s most contentious moral questions. A part of the population believes that women should be granted the freedom to choose, while others believe that life should be preserved under all situations, resulting in the polar opposite. Every nation...

Words: 1397

Pages: 6

The Unrepentant Whore

Jamie Lee Hamilton is one of the first transgender sex workers, advocating for the rights of all sex workers. Virginia Woolf was a prominent feminist writer of her time; Jamie Lee Hamilton is one of the first transgender sex workers, fighting for the rights of all sex workers. Today, we'll...

Words: 1640

Pages: 6


With the passage of time, some nations, such as China, have undergone overpopulation; however, thanks to technological advancements, scientists can now regulate overpopulation by altering the sex of an unborn child. High-tech selection and infertility treatment allow scientists to accomplish this. However, faith organisations such as Christianity have argued that...

Words: 1381

Pages: 6

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