Essays on Political Science

The Impact of Ethnic Power Sharing in Afghanistan

I would like to offer my sincerest appreciation and respect to my supervisor for making this project a reality through the guidance and corrections throughout my research. Specifically, I acknowledge your support regarding the literature I used for conducting the research. I also thank my comrades for supporting me in...

Words: 4847

Pages: 18

Aristotle on the Ideal Polis

Over the years there has not been a consensus by political researchers and philosophers on the idea of Aristotle on politics due to differences such as his belief in the inferiority of women and his acceptance of slavery. However, his views on the relationship between the citizens and that of...

Words: 998

Pages: 4

Essentially Contested Concepts and Political Discourse

The Concept of Essentially Contested Concepts The essentially contested concept was a formulation of W.B Gallie who opined that a concept may be categorized as being contested when thoughts relating to the concept's application become the subject of debate as to how to properly define the concept (1956). Although complicated concepts...

Words: 2228

Pages: 9

Defining The Watergate Scandal

The concept of executive privilege can be used to define the Watergate scandal. Watergate is the name given to the scandal that involved President Richard M. Nixon and members of his administration. The name is from the Watergate apartment, located in Washington, D.C, America.  In 1972, this apartment was the...

Words: 1727

Pages: 7

The Role of Congress

The United States Congress The United States Congress is the nation’s lawmaking agency. Congress consists of two houses which are the Senate and the House of Representatives. Congress looks like the people it represents because the members of Congress serve the interest of their constituents. Their constituents are the people who...

Words: 374

Pages: 2

Immigration in Texas

For some years, the issue of immigration has been a problem to the residents of Texas. Although various strategies have been implemented to address the problem, it appears that little has been achieved, and therefore the House of Representatives need to introduce a debate and also come up with policies...

Words: 902

Pages: 4

Why and how Ted Cruz is a better candidate than Beto O’Rourke

The United States Senate elections will be held on 6th November 2018.  Texas has attracted a lot of attention due to a historically uncommon scenario. The incumbent Senator Ted Cruz launched his bid for re-election with a new Texas-branded slogan and a video. However, that is not all. Ted Cruz...

Words: 930

Pages: 4

Hillary Clinton's career

Hillary Clinton's Career in Politics Hillary Clinton’s career in politics has been one of many firsts. In 2001, she became the first American first lady ever to win a public office when she was elected to the United States Senate. In 2009, she became the 67th United States secretary of state,...

Words: 1494

Pages: 6

Civic Responsibility and Voting

Civic responsibility refers to the duty of a citizen. It comprises of actions that are geared towards social participation and governance within a society. Depending on constitutional and social policies in a community, civic responsibility may entail responsibilities in government, churches, and voluntary groups (Dalton and Welzel 5). Furthermore, advocacy...

Words: 884

Pages: 4

The Two Party System and the Multi-Party System

The Difference Between Two-Party and Multi-Party Systems The major difference, thus between the two-party system and the multiparty system is based on the fact that in the two party systems countries only have two major parties therefore, elections contests are only between two candidates from the two major political parties; such...

Words: 372

Pages: 2

The Two Main Parties in the United States

The U.S. Political Parties: Democrats and Republicans The two main parties in the U.S are Republicans and Democrats. Though in the recent past other parties became prominent, Democrats and Republicans remain to be the largest parties in America with most of the seats in the House of Representatives and the Senate....

Words: 843

Pages: 4

Comparative Analysis of Party Dominance in Japan, Mexico and China

The Concept of Political Party Dominance and Democracy The concept of competitive political parties is often considered an essential factor in the pursuit of democracy. As such, in many aspects, single-party dominance showcase authoritarian governance since it ignores elements of democracy. Japan and Mexico are interesting nations for political analysts in...

Words: 1208

Pages: 5

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