IKEA: Sustainability in Procurement

Business organisations and the importance of sustainability Business organisations are finding it increasingly important to engage in practices that take into account the interests of various stakeholders in the business environment instead of only focusing on profitability goals. While the primary objective of most business enterprises is to generate profits, conditions...

Words: 1785

Pages: 7

Is the Money Spent on Saving Endangered Species Worth It?

Is the money spent on saving endangered species worth it? They are facing extinction day by day at an alarming rate that is why it is important human beings do everything to save the natural resources. Human beings cannot exist alone. People have a codependent relationship with the environment. A...

Words: 1207

Pages: 5

The Importance of Environmental Conservation

Human activities have contributed significantly to the environmental problems that the world is facing. They include the use of pesticides and spraying of massive quantities of chemicals during oil exploration among others. Whereas there are benefits linked to the use of these chemicals, the cost of environmental degradation is far...

Words: 613

Pages: 3

Why People Garden

Gardening as a Soulful Activity Gardening is one of the most favorite hobbies of many people, therefore, so many of us like gardens and find something special and peculiar in them. One may admit that garden is not merely a place, where plants and trees grow. It is a part of...

Words: 2808

Pages: 11

The Importance of Drinking Water

How much area does water across the entire globe cover? What is the importance of consuming water? These are some of the questions that always cross my mind often. Approximately, 71 percent of the surface of the earth happens to be covered by water (Ruddiman, 2001). Nearly 96.5 percent of...

Words: 1514

Pages: 6

Bushmeat Harvesting and Trade

If bushmeat harvesting is stopped, this will have adverse effects on the people who depend on it. Most rural people depend on bushmeat for their food and livelihood. For instance, these people depend on bushmeat as their primary source of food and some for sale to get money for other...

Words: 457

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The daylight savings time

Two examples of time zones used in the US and some other nations are daylight savings time and standard time. It is crucial to keep in mind that not all nations have these time zones, and the majority of them only observe them occasionally throughout the year. (Aries, Myriam and...

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Disaster Management Collaborative Practices

Local disasters happen on a regular basis. As a result, local organizations must act right away. (Col, 2007). Police, hospitals, and firefighters are a few of the major organizations that are essential to the initial reaction process. During catastrophes, these organizations frequently work together. But over time, this decreases, and...

Words: 998

Pages: 4

Nightingale’s Environmental Conceptual Model

Florence Nightingale and the Environmentalist Theory Florence Nightingale established and published the nursing philosophical and theoretical view of the patient's health in connection to environmental conditions, which led to the development of this theory. Metaparadigms have four components: environment, person, health, and nursing. Nightingale's conceptual paradigm related health to five environmental...

Words: 749

Pages: 3

The Meaning of Sustainability Logistics

The definition of logistical sustainability 1. The definition of logistical sustainability Sustainable supply chain management 2.0. Sustainable supply chain management Sustainable logistics goals and roles 2. 3.0. Sustainable logistics goals and roles Sustainable logistics management 3. 4.0. Sustainable logistics management Possible logistical sustainability problems and concerns 4. 5.0. Possible logistical sustainability problems and concerns Industry examples 5. 6.0. Industry examples Global supply...

Words: 2500

Pages: 10

Crisis of The Aral Sea

Introduction For many years, the Aral Sea, located in central Asia between southern Kazakhstan and northern Uzbekistan, was the world's fourth largest salty lake, with close to 10 grains of salt per liter. This sea was nourished by two rivers, the Amu Darya and the Syr Darya, until the government of...

Words: 1511

Pages: 6

The Impact of Globalisation on the Development of Tourism industry

Several things influence the tourist industry's future. Globalization and sustainable development are two of these factors. Globalisation in tourism refers to the process through which modest tourism and hospitality businesses can gain international clout and begin attracting tourists on a global scale. Sustainable development, on the other hand, aims to...

Words: 467

Pages: 2

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