Algebra in secondary schools

In recent years, arguments against the need for secondary school students to learn mathematics, including algebra, have gained traction. Hacker (2012) questions the importance of algebra in high school students' future careers, claiming that it restricts the development of their skills. Algebra, and mathematics in general, according to opponents, is...

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The Greek Mathematician and Physicist Archimedes

The Greek mathematician Archimedes The Greek mathematician Archimedes was born into a scientific culture. According to his biography, his father was an astronomer and the family spent most of their time in Syracuse. They also spent time in Alexandria, where Ptolemy Lagides built the largest library in the world. This library...

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The Advantages of Mathematical Models

Mathematical models: Properties, Applications, and Development Mathematical models are useful for studying many different subjects. They can help engineers determine the best way to build a bridge, telephone companies determine long distance rates, and even social scientists predict disease trends. The advantages of these models are limitless. Read on to learn...

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Knowledge Management Research

This record offers the research findings of the position of knowledge management system in helping students. The research is based on a sample of 480 college students from a college in Victoria between year 2 and yr 12 of study. The following table represents the descriptive facts for three variables in...

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Long-Term Unemployment.

Long-term unemployment Long-term unemployment occurs when a person is out of a job for 27 weeks or longer. To be listed as such by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, one must have successfully found jobs in the preceding four weeks. 1 (Kimberly Amedeo) The causes of long-term unemployment The following article attempts to...

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Pages: 4

Business Analytics

The Methodological and Iterative Assessment of Business Analytics The methodological and iterative assessment of the information given by an organization is business analytics that emphasizes the statistical assessment. It is used primarily by companies that are interested in verdicts based on results. It deals primarily with market intelligence and statistical analysis....

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Confidence interval refers to an approach in statistics

Confident interval is an approach in statistics that offers some predetermined assurance that measurements of a population can be obtained. Its description is mainly based on limit errors. Some of the intervals that have been used include 99%, 95% and 90%. The 95 percent trust is primarily used for several...

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Binomial distribution

If an experiment generates only two results and measures the likelihood of an occurrence happening when a fixed number of experiments are used, a binomial distribution is used. When a discrete likelihood distribution exists, in each case only two mutually excluded outcomes (only two options) exist (Bluman, Allan G). These two...

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The cause of tacoma bridge collapse

The Tacoma Bridge was built between 1938 and 1940. It was 5000 feet long, 39 feet wide, with two lanes of traffic, and 2800 feet long. The bridge was built in the state of Washington. According to data on the history of suspension bridges, the findings show that many were...

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gay marriage and social issues

Marriage has always been an essential part of life. It refers to the marriage of a man and a woman, except for gay couples, it refers to the slavery of two men. Gay marriage is a subject that has sparked intense discussion among people all over the world. Most societies...

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Pages: 4

Linear Regression

Modeling of a Conditional Relation This is the modeling of a conditional relation as a straight line between two variables. Y is often dependent on X; hence, regression is used for modeling Y behavior in X, as it was in the prediction, outside of the established data set. Linear Regression in SPSS How...

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Pages: 2

Movie Violence and Real Life Violence

The Correlation Between Movie Violence and Real Existence Violence The notion of whether there is a correlation between movie violence and real existence violence has been a controversial debate for many years. Currently, there is research being conducted in effort to uncover extra data linking movie violence to real existence violence....

Words: 1263

Pages: 5

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