Essays on Marijuana

A Case for Legalization of Marijuana for Recreational Use in New Jersey

Marijuana legalization in America Marijuana legalization is one of the most contentious topics in America today. Though Colorado, Oregon, California, and five other states have all legalized marijuana, although with limits, other states are either debating the subject or have decided to ignore it entirely. New Jersey is one of the...

Words: 826

Pages: 4

Medical Marijuana and Opioids Comparison

The use of opioids as painkillers The use of opioids as painkillers is a common phenomenon worldwide. Opioids are majorly used to treat post-surgery pain among sufferers who have undergone surgical procedure as well. Likewise, medical marijuana is gaining reputation on the same basis of pain remedy as opioids. In the...

Words: 930

Pages: 4

Marijuana Legalization

Pyke, A, the guy (2016). The $2.4 billion effects of marijuana in Colorado are a lesson for five states seeking legalization. In this post, Alan Pyke discusses the economic effects of the legalization of marijuana with a focus on Colorado. Through citing that the weed industry has become one...

Words: 1641

Pages: 6

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