Essays on Literary Genres

Isabella Gardner's Collage of Echoes

Collage of Echoes by Isabella Gardner is written in the first person with the speaker being Isabella Gardner herself speaking to a universal audience. In the first and second line, Gardner states that: “I have no promises to keep Nor miles to go before I sleep,” (Line 1 " 2) These first two lines...

Words: 455

Pages: 2

Robert Frost's "Choose Something Like A Star"

The Motivation Behind "Choose Something Like a Star" The poet Robert Frost is among the most cited and cherished authors in literature from the distinct communication techniques he employs in his works. The uniqueness is from the understanding that Frost was a simple New England farmer who was fond of expressing...

Words: 1136

Pages: 5

Introduction to Poetry

This paper will take a look at and analyzed one of Billy Collins poems titled Introduction to Poetry. The poem is free verse which uses interesting figurative language, voice, and subject matter that are close to real life experiences of the poet. Title of the Poem: Introduction to Poetry I ask them...

Words: 1466

Pages: 6

Polly and the Narrator: An Analysis

PART II: Continue reading the passage. As you read, you will note that Polly is countering the narrator’s assertions or claims by identifying the logical fallacy that is being used. In the space provided, select the letter for the answer that best identifies the fallacy used in...

Words: 841

Pages: 4

Arrow of God

The Complexity of Human Life The human life is viewed as a complex entity that is made of different components some of which involve interactions with others. As such, human life is depicted as a part of existing patterns which are larger than the human beings. Notably, the culture depicts the...

Words: 1782

Pages: 7

Julie Charlip's Analysis of Gerald Graff's "They Say I Say"

Chapter five "And Yet" of the book ‘They say I say’ by Gerald Graff Chapter five "And Yet" of the book ‘They say I say’ by Gerald Graff highlights that a reader can be able to know when the author is expressing his own views versus those of another person. In...

Words: 324

Pages: 2

The Jar as Symbolism in Anecdote of The Jar

Anecdote of the Jar is an enigmatic poem that baffles readers. In just three stanzas the poem poses more questions than answers. The clear part of the poem is the first line where there seems to be an indication that a person initiated this mysterious process. A jar is placed...

Words: 370

Pages: 2

Amy Tan's "Mother Tongue"

How are children’s lives influenced by language? This is a pertinent question probed in Amy Tan's “Mother Tongue”. In the book, Amy Tan shares her personal opinions on the use of English language in different countries and the impact of language on children’s lives. The author is fascinated by language and...

Words: 650

Pages: 3

The Silence and The Roar

The book "Silence and the Roar" The book "Silence and the Roar" was written by a Syrian author known as Nihad Sirees in 2008. The initial version of the book was written in Arabic, but it was later translated into English by Max Weiss in 2013. A Typical Day in the Life...

Words: 1413

Pages: 6

The Genres of Television Comedy

Television Comedy: Different Genres and their Descriptions Television comedy exists in different genres depending on the source of humor, the delivery method, as well as the delivery context. Many comedians can fit into several genres therefore the classifications tend to overlap to meet the needs of different fans. Comedy can be...

Words: 1244

Pages: 5

Orwell's Concept of Power in Shooting an Elephant

Shooting an Elephant Shooting an Elephant, was written by George Orwell who recounts a situation from his life when he was around twenty years during which he was required to demonstrate how powerful he was as an army (Orwell 8). Later on, the episode seems to be haunting him. The story...

Words: 612

Pages: 3

Themes of War in The Wound In Time and For The Fallen by Carl Ann Duffy

Language used in poetry or the works of literature affects the audience differently thus interpretation can also vary. Interpretation of words used can lead to varying ideas about the feelings of writers even when he/she has not indicated in the work. This essay compares and contrasts use of terms, words,...

Words: 1553

Pages: 6

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