In the film ""Slap That Bass,"" Fred Astaire tells the story of Peter, who tries to combine jazz dance and traditional ballet technique. The opening scene introduces the audience to a black-American crew performing manual labor aboard an ocean liner while dancing. As the story progresses, they begin singing a...
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The short story "Sonny's Blues" by James Baldwin The short story "Sonny's Blues" by James Baldwin is a literary analysis of racism in the African American community. The work shows the gradual shedding of prejudice and its themes of music and religion. However, there are a few points that need to...
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Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald is a well-known American author who specializes in short stories and novels. Francis's works have been described as evocative of the Jazz Era, a word he coined himself. Francis is regarded as one of the twentieth century's best authors. Francis was a member of the 'Lost...
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Stuart Davis is one among America's first modern artist and considered by many the father of the popular culture . He began his work with the Ashcan school before shortly following the Europeans modernism. Davis had tons of determination to convey something from the American form of government and blend...
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