Essays on Industry

The Importance of Technology in Restaurants

The purpose of the study was to determine the impact of technology in the restaurant industry particularly the importance of these innovations on the overall operations. The section provides results for the finding from the primary and secondary data collected regarding the research problem. Notably, the specific objectives that were...

Words: 3065

Pages: 12

Walmart Operational Efficiency

As the newly appointed senior leader for Walmart I prepared a report for the CEO. In it, I will assess the organization’s overall alignment with its vision, mission, values, and strategy. This report will have detail information involving the analysis of the strategic cascade of the organization and the strength, weaknesses,...

Words: 1999

Pages: 8

Customer Acceptance of Automated Service Technology in the Restaurant Industry

Accelerated by technological advancement and stiffer competition, the restaurant industry has been adopting the latest methods of doing things. The rising reputation of the self-service technology (SST) and gains accrued to both customers and hoteliers, diminishes the significance of personal service in the industry. Players in the industry are embracing...

Words: 1382

Pages: 6

Investment Strategies in Real Estate Industry

1. INTRODUCTION The real estate market is an essential feature of the United Kingdom’s economy. The industry is the largest in the UK and the second largest in Europe after Germany. The market share is estimated to be around 250 billion euros. Foreign investors and developers view London as an ideal...

Words: 4398

Pages: 16

The Post-Industrial Society in Canada

An Industrial Society An industrial society refers to a community characterized by a massive production of goods and services. As a result, human labor cannot satisfy thus the need to apply the use of complex machines and technology to obtain finish goods. The automation of work in industries phases away the...

Words: 903

Pages: 4

Factors that Promoted the Development of Mature Industrial Society

Various factors contributed in the development of a mature industrial society in ancient years. The factors included the Availability of huge quantities of raw materials, such as timber, iron ore, coal, oil, and other resources. The raw materials helped in development of the industries, as there was ready availability of...

Words: 335

Pages: 2

Experiment of Establishing the Consistency, Density, and Compressive Strength of Concrete

This paper is based on an experiment of establishing the consistency, density, and compressive strength of concrete. The experiment involves casting of 12 sets of concrete cubes to with three different water to cement ratios. Therefore, four sets of cubes are prepared using one W/C ratio. The essence of making...

Words: 1787

Pages: 7

Free Trade: Pros and Cons

Free Trade and Trade Agreements Free trade is an idea of a free market where a country eliminates trade restrictions on imports and exports. It is characterized by free movement of labour, free entry to markets and access to market information and conduction of trade without taxes (Bustos, 2011). Usually, trade...

Words: 341

Pages: 2

International Political Economy

International political economy, IPE refers to social science that seeks to understand how political institutions and actors influence economic interactions in the global trading, borrowing, investment and lending. The study of international political economy is important because a country’s economic and political choices are affected by the money flows and...

Words: 314

Pages: 2

The Potential of China as the New Market for Kangaroo Meat from Australia

Kangaroo meat is mainly a product of Australia. The meat comes from free-ranging kangaroos including the red kangaroo, common wallaroo, western grey kangaroo, and eastern grey kangaroo species. Notably, not many Australians consume kangaroo meat although the number has been rising gradually over time. This is as a result of...

Words: 1889

Pages: 7

Recycling of Aluminum Cans

A can crusher is a simple crushing tool used during the recycling process of aluminum cans such as soda and beer cans (Hyde, Hyde and Carl 1998). The crusher is able to minimize the space required for storage by compressing the cans to a height of one inch. The crusher...

Words: 369

Pages: 2

The Importance of Railways in Bangladesh

The infrastructure that surrounds people globally includes roads, railways, telephone lines, power lines (Hexter and Mischke 2013, p.1). Their effectiveness is dependent on how they are built and their operationalization that is a crucial factor to the growth of the economy and an arbiter of the competitive nature of different...

Words: 2130

Pages: 8

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