eSports Merchandises

In the recent past, there has been a cultural shift in the gaming industry occasioned by the development of technology ( Carter, et al. 2017, p.32). Unlike the traditional approach to the online gaming, people are embracing eSports where they watch their favorite players and teams compete against each other...

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Application of Effective Teaching Methods in the Classroom

The teacher in the video: “Roller Coaster Physics: STEM in Action,” applies effective teaching methods. At the beginning of the lesson, she introduces the objectives of the teaching activities in a simplified manner for the 5th and the 6th-grade students. Further, she shows a great mastery of content and is...

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The Influence of Rationalization on Video Games

Paolo Pedercini's Perspective on Computer Games Paolo Pedercini states that computer games have a compulsion for efficiency and control and that they are a form of aesthetic rationalization. According to Pedercini, rationalization is the form of replacement of traditions and customs as motivators of human conduct in seeking quantification and calculation....

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Video Games and its Impact on Society

Introduction In today's world, video games have become part of modern day life and a source of entertainment for people of all generations. Both adults and children spent hours each day participating in this form of indoor activity. Video games came about as a product in the new age of computers...

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The Relationship Between Video Games and Socialization

Gameplay and Video Games Gameplay and video games are increasingly essential parts in the lives of Americans. Most individuals play them on an average day, and they tend to devote most of their time to them whenever they indulge in them. For boys, in particular, gameplay and video games serve as...

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Pokémon Go: Transmedia Storytelling

In the continuous restless search for intellectual development, generations always look for new ways through which they can be entertained. Story-telling in these cases is one of the traditional instruments known for audience engagement and amusement, followed by art, written texts then music. It is through movies that books were...

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Should Video Games be Considered a Sport?

Video gaming which can be said is a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a program on a monitor cannot be remotely be considered as a sport because it does not involve going out to the field and actually doing some exercise. Subsequently, the player is not involved...

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Pac-Man: A Game with Philosophical and Ideological Underpinnings Pac-Man is one of the most well-known and lucrative video and console games ever created. Pac-Man, which was first made available in October 1980, holds the Guinness World Record for being the most popular and well-known coin-operated video game ever created. An estimated...

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Digital Game Plan by Older Adults

According to this study's authors (Kaufman, Sauvé, Renaud, Sixsmith, & Mortenson, 2016), playing digital games can improve seniors' quality of life by enhancing their cognitive, social, and physical skills. The research identifies playing patterns, associated socio-emotional and cognitive benefits, and difficulties adults face when playing digital games. Researchers are curious...

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common knowledge

According to conventional wisdom, authors employ a variety of writing techniques to spread their message. Melville and James Joyce are also included. The writing levels and writing techniques used by Joyce and Melville in The Dead and The Paradise of Bachelors, respectively, are examined in this essay. Joyce concentrates on writing...

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An example of an if/then choice and reaction chain

In if/then logic, for example, digital storytelling is typically implemented. The entity states that if player one performs a specific job, a specific event will occur, and the same will be applied to player two. When two people are wrestling and one of them fails to make the necessary move,...

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Pages: 4

Violent video games Influence on behavior

Introduction The article in question was supported by the Limburg University College, the University of Antwerp, and Sage Publications. Importantly, the authors of this essay are students at these institutions. Sage publications, on the other hand, endorsed this piece in their position as publishers (Ribbens & Malliet, 2015). It is vital...

Words: 1354

Pages: 5

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