Essays on Florida

The nursing practice

Nursing Work in Florida Nursing work in Florida, as well as other countries, necessitates specialized skills, knowledge, and independent decision-making. Yet, among nurse professionals, family nurse practitioners (FNP) are mobile and work in an unequal and changing society for consumers. As a result, the provision of nursing care carries an inherent...

Words: 343

Pages: 2

Tax Policies Assignment

For many years, Florida State's tax burden has consistently been the lowest among other states. Florida does not have a personal income tax, although it does have property and sales taxes. In that situation, it is critical to analyze the state's key tax policies, which include the property tax, personal...

Words: 1835

Pages: 7


The Open BoatThe open boat is a short story written by Stephen Crane that was first published in 1897 and is based on his experience escaping a shipwreck off the coast of Florida. The incidents happened earlier that year when he was on his way to Cuba to interview for...

Words: 929

Pages: 4

Violence in Broward and Dade counties in Florida

According to previous studies, violence is prevalent in Broward and Dade counties in Florida. This study aimed to determine the factors that influence crime vulnerability and their effect on crime levels. The study also looked at the efficacy of the policies that have been implemented to reduce crime in the...

Words: 3487

Pages: 13

Why are Police Shooting?

Police Shootings and Officer Killings: A Comparison The essence of police shootings evokes strong feelings in certain cases. In comparison, police officer killings are synonymous with massive disinformation. Montgomery noted in the article 'Why Cops Kill,' that no one was tracking police killings in Florida, the third-largest state in the United...

Words: 456

Pages: 2

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