Essays on Experience

Two Major Theoretical Psychological Perspectives on Emotion

Emotion and its Meaning Emotion refers to individuals complex psychological experience due to their interactions with the environment. Emotions tend to insert substantial force on the behavior of individuals. Strong emotions can make an individual engage in activities that they may not perform under normal conditions. Similarly, emotions can make...

Words: 605

Pages: 3

Olfaction and Autism Spectrum Disorder

The Relationship Between Internal Action Models (IAMs) and Autism Spectrum Disorder The templates responsible for the sensory-motor coordination in the brain rests on the aspect of Internal Action Models (IAMs). A theme that seems prevalent amongst academic circles suggests that the theory behind IAMs has connections to autism spectrum disorder. The...

Words: 919

Pages: 4

Emotional Regulation

Emotional regulation refers to the capability of an individual to react to existing internal experience in a friendly way. Reactivity in people is composed of feelings, traits, and biological responses which occur inside the body. Some psychiatric syndromes are associated with various forms of emotional sensitivity and emotional regulation. Emotion...

Words: 1060

Pages: 4

Theory of Autobiographical Memory

The Purpose of the Article The purpose of the article was to provide a coherent theoretical model of autobiographical memory that serves as a framework that brings together all the diverse concepts and research about autobiographical memory. The area of autobiographical memory has not been succinctly addressed in the past. Scientists...

Words: 973

Pages: 4

The Impact of Reward Learning on Memory and Learning

Rewards and Memory: An Exploration of the Interaction Rouhani, Norman "Niv (2018) pertinently pointed out that errors pertaining to reward-prediction tend to track the degree to which rewards are deviated from expectations and assist in learning. In this study, the researchers highlighted the significance of reward learning and attempted to explore...

Words: 331

Pages: 2

Melissa's Case Study

How Melissa’s Case Study applies to the Topics Brain and Behavior, Sensation and Perception, Learning and Memory Melissa is a seven-year-old girl suffering from a seizure that impacts her motor skills and social behavior. She also has irregular sleep patterns whereby she would regularly experience insomnia and fatigue as well as...

Words: 370

Pages: 2

The Role of Nociceptors in Pain Encoding

A synapse is a junction between which impulses are transmitted from one neuron to another. Transmission of impulses occurs through the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin. The synapses can also be described as the junctions at which neurons communicate to one another. Those synapses that need the release of some chemical...

Words: 1097

Pages: 4

The Balance Between Quantity and Quality of Instruction

Effective Teaching: Balancing Quantity and Quality I strongly believe that an effective teacher would find a balance between quantity of curriculum to review with students and quality of their learning experience because covering the instructional material or content quickly may compromise the quality of the learning experience (Stabile Kraiger,...

Words: 686

Pages: 3

Socialization in Childhood

Socialization is a lifelong process of inheriting and disseminating norms, ideologies, and customs that equip an individual with skills that will allow him or her to participate within the society (Grusec 617). It is a continual process throughout an individual’s life and guarantees that social order will be replicated from...

Words: 1660

Pages: 7

Morality and Choice

Does Deciding Among Morally Relevant Options Feel Like Making a Choice? How Morality Constrains People’s Sense of Choice In any given society there exist ascribed rules and regulations that determine how people conduct themselves. The ascribed rules and regulations are not strictly enforced. However, people are born into them and simply...

Words: 848

Pages: 4

The introduction to the Psychology class

While some student might claim that the course was daunting, I highly contradict the opinion because I found mine to be fulfilling. However, the entire learning process was met with some of my most challenging period in life. Even though on numerous occasions I felt pushed to the wall by...

Words: 2284

Pages: 9

Interview with John and James

The exercised involved an interview with 2 children, one an elementary aged child (John, 6 years old) while the other was an adolescent (James, 16 years). The interview revolved around an assessment of their communication styles, perceptions and relationships issues, and experiences of each child. The focus is going to...

Words: 1115

Pages: 5

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