Essays on Elections

Ambition, competition, and electoral reform: The politics of congressional elections

Carson and Jason’s book Ambition, Competition, and Electoral Reform Carson and Jason’s book Ambition, Competition, and Electoral Reform examines how politics are carried out during congressional elections as well as electoral institutions between 1872 and 1944 through the lens of contemporary political science. The authors use electoral data from the early...

Words: 1517

Pages: 6


The United States Voter Participation Rate in 2016 Elections The United States of America recently registered a lower voter participation rate than in 2012 elections. According to the data collected, the number of voters increased in some states while decreasing in others. According to Regan’s post, millions of individuals did not...

Words: 1774

Pages: 7

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Bureaucracy

Bureaucracy and its Role in Organizations Bureaucracy is an organizational structure that relies on standardized procedures, rules, and regulations to keep an organization operating smoothly. While this may sound like a bad thing, it is necessary to ensure that a large organization runs effectively and efficiently. Positive and Negative Connotations of Bureaucracy The...

Words: 507

Pages: 2

Positive Effects of Political Parties

IntroductionPolitical parties were not a part of the United States Constitution when it was written. The United States was the first country to devise a democratic party structure in the early 1800s, allowing for the transfer of authority from one system to another. A referendum was used to do this....

Words: 715

Pages: 3

participation of increasing voter education

The Decline in American Voter Turnout The number of Americans voting in elections has been steadily declining over the last few decades. The explanations for the poor voter turnout have varied from nuanced to very basic.Increasing Public Engagement Increased and effective voter education is one of the key solutions that will assist...

Words: 612

Pages: 3

What is the Third Estate?

The Third Estate and Abbe de Sieyes The third estate, according to Abbe de Sieyes, was a set of men that fall into a traditional order considered to be governed by a wealthy social class or nobles under the old regime. The Church and the Nobles are the other...

Words: 1244

Pages: 5

the thirteenth and fourteenth amendments and andrew johnson

The restoration era in the United States was characterized by three major amendments. These are the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments of the United States' supreme constitution (Graber 12). The three constitutional amendments discussed the problems of slavery, civil freedom, and citizenship. The conservative republicans never had any acceptable motivations,...

Words: 912

Pages: 4

Nigeria is an Example of a Fragile Liberal democracy

Democracy is a concept used in many countries, with elections acting as the intermediary expression of the electoral process. The democratic mechanism is a method for selecting individuals to represent the whole state. Elections may serve as a confirmation or recognition of the government's efforts to popularize it and motivate...

Words: 2381

Pages: 9

the five way Presidential Campaigns Raise Money during Election

Presidential Campaign Fundraising Presidential candidates raise funds for their campaigns in a number of ways. Presidential campaigns are designed to manipulate a candidate's success. During an election, candidates must collect funds in order to run and coordinate their campaigns. The funds could be used for travel, advertising, and other uses. The...

Words: 341

Pages: 2

Why the Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) Voting System is best for Canada

The Mixed Member Proportional Voting System The electoral method of preference is the Mixed Member Proportional solution. It entails a two-tier election of the majority of legislative candidates (approximately 60%) in single-member districts. The remaining proportion is then voted off party lists at the state or national levels using a compensatory...

Words: 333

Pages: 2

Should the United States Government do anything to Change the Nation's Two-Party System?

In the United States, a two-party system is used. It is a structure in which only two powerful political parties have a good chance of winning the general election. We have Democrats and Republicans in the United States. For there to be a winner in the two-party system polls, one...

Words: 710

Pages: 3

nightmare for democracy or super PAC's

Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission is responsible for implementing the personhood of corporations, granting them the right to manipulate American peoples' decisions through elections; therefore, it interferes with people's position in government by restricting who they can select to serve and represent them by making political decisions; however, first,...

Words: 4749

Pages: 18

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