the five way Presidential Campaigns Raise Money during Election

Presidential Campaign Fundraising

Presidential candidates raise funds for their campaigns in a number of ways. Presidential campaigns are designed to manipulate a candidate's success. During an election, candidates must collect funds in order to run and coordinate their campaigns. The funds could be used for travel, advertising, and other uses. The strategies used by presidential candidates to collect funds during an election are discussed further below.

Individual Contributions

Individuals can contribute to presidential campaigns. If an individual wants to donate to a political campaign, the Federal Election Commission restricts donations to a candidate's campaign to $2700 per election. This means that he can only contribute $2700 for the whole campaign period.

Personal Savings

Another way presidential campaigns raise money is through personal savings. The presidential candidates have different net worth and for them to attract other people and parties to fund them so that they can raise money for the campaigns, they need to give some amount of money which is not limited to support their campaigns.

Political Action Committees (PACs)

Political Action Committees can also be used to raise presidential campaign money. This is an organization at the federal level which raises money confidentially to influence the election. The PACs are limited to give $5000 in an entire campaign period.

527 Committees

527 committees are also sources of campaign funding. The committees may comprise of parties, associations, or candidates that do not directly advocate for a candidate but can influence an election. The organizations raise unlimited money from individuals, labor unions, and corporations and they must disclose them to the Federal Electoral Commission.

Super Political Action Committees (Super PACs)

Super Political Action Committee also contributes to the presidential campaigns to raise money during an election. Super PAC is an independent political action committee which raises money from unions, corporations, and individuals. There is no limit on the money collected.

The ways discussed above are some of the ways presidential campaigns raise money during an election. The different organizations and individuals involved should always act as per the requirements and guidelines of the Federal Election Commission.

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