The Importance of Cultural Competency in Crisis Intervention

Different crises continue to assail the global population, some caused by human beings themselves while others by nature. Regardless of causes and magnitudes of the outcomes, most of these crises have a detrimental impact on overall mental health of their victims (Silva, Siegmund " Bredemeier, 2015). This may be as...

Words: 1254

Pages: 5

Difference between Risk and Crisis Management

Defining and Distinguishing Risk Management and Crisis Management Defining or even distinguishing between the two words, risk management and crisis management, can be very difficult. The two words are frequently used interchangeably, even by those in the highest managerial positions, despite the fact that their usage and definition are completely different....

Words: 1079

Pages: 4

Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion and NASA

An organization's ability to handle a crisis can be significantly impacted by effective crisis communication tactics. Agencies struggle to find ways to communicate both internally and externally in the absence of a crisis communication plan that is effective. An organization's reputation may be significantly impacted by how it responds to...

Words: 2812

Pages: 11

About NASA's Public Relations after the Space Challenger Explosion

An organization's ability to handle a crisis can be greatly impacted by good crisis communication tactics. Organizations struggle to discover ways to communicate internally and externally in the absence of a crisis communication plan that works. An organization's reputation can be significantly impacted by how it responds to a crisis....

Words: 391

Pages: 2

Mortage Meltdown in America

Between 2007 and 2010 the subprime mortgage crisis The subprime mortgage crisis occurred and was characterized by a widespread national banking emergency due to a massive drop in house prices as a result of the collapse of house bubbles. During the recession, residential investments fell and this impacted investment in companies....

Words: 655

Pages: 3

Flint, Michigan water Problem

The Importance of Non-Governmental Organizations in Addressing the Water Contamination Crisis in Flint, Michigan The people of Flint, Michigan came to the realization more than a year ago that their water was contaminated with toxic levels of lead. Lead is a naturally occurring metal found in the crust of the earth....

Words: 529

Pages: 2

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