Essays on Congress

The Role of Congress

The United States Congress The United States Congress is the nation’s lawmaking agency. Congress consists of two houses which are the Senate and the House of Representatives. Congress looks like the people it represents because the members of Congress serve the interest of their constituents. Their constituents are the people who...

Words: 374

Pages: 2


I would like to use this chance to speak to the British congressmen about a number of issues that are crucial to the health of this great country. The ongoing revolt in America horrifies me because, in my opinion, it betrays both myself and our wonderful country. In order to...

Words: 252

Pages: 1

Eddie Bernice Johnson

Eddie Bernice Johnson: A Trailblazer in Nursing and Politics Eddie Bernice Johnson is well-known for becoming the first registered nurse to be elected to Congress. Her accomplishments in that position have been extraordinary, as she has overcome numerous challenges in her career as a nurse and politician. She has introduced and...

Words: 772

Pages: 3

Background and historical perspective of CIO and IT

One of the most significant war battles developed in the 1930s between the crafts unions and the industrial unions. As a result, it was necessary to separate skilled laborers from unskilled laborers. As a result, when the American Federation of Labor (AFL) expressed reservations about separating the two unions, John...

Words: 2494

Pages: 10

Troubled Assets Recovery Plan - The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (EESA)

The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (EESA) The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (EESA) was drafted by the United States Congress and signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 3, 2008. This was a premeditated response to the oncoming financial crisis in the United States, which was reaching near-panic proportions....

Words: 2201

Pages: 9

Constitution of the United States

George Washington and the Constitution George Washington expressed confidence in the new legal document that would guide the United States of America for the first time in his letter establishing the constitution (Goldoni 387). He emphasized the multiple essential principles of democracy inherent in the constitution’s benefits to both citizens and...

Words: 617

Pages: 3

Essay About Religious Freedom

Textually and historically, the first amendment language was enacted to prevent Congress from interfering with the states' efforts at religious tolerance. The framer of the two amendments in the American constitution that symbolize respect for religious freedom was adversarial. This was true until the Supreme Court included the first amendment's...

Words: 908

Pages: 4

About Accountability

Accountability and the Government Accountability Office Accountability is a key component of any business or government since it assures the transparency of operations and resource use as well as personal accountability for acts and behavior. The Government Accountability Office is a well-established, independent, and non-partisan body that works in accordance with...

Words: 394

Pages: 2

Ambition, competition, and electoral reform: The politics of congressional elections

Carson and Jason’s book Ambition, Competition, and Electoral Reform Carson and Jason’s book Ambition, Competition, and Electoral Reform examines how politics are carried out during congressional elections as well as electoral institutions between 1872 and 1944 through the lens of contemporary political science. The authors use electoral data from the early...

Words: 1517

Pages: 6

Obamacare Act

Repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act. The new act will replace the act with Savings Accounts, allowing the state to manage Medicaid funds and allowing people to buy health insurance across state lines. It will benefit citizens by expediting the approval of life-saving pharmaceuticals and providing better coverage....

Words: 382

Pages: 2

President Bush administration's sanctions against North Korea

The ability to ask questions that pique interest in the author s line of reasoning helps improve critical thinking. Paul and Elder (2010) assert that there are fundamental, universal intellectual norms that serve as a framework for evaluating the strength of an argument on a given circumstance or problem. The...

Words: 981

Pages: 4

Women and Labor essay

Ironically, women still do not have the same rights as men in the United States. At least in light of the fact that the 28th amendment to the Constitution, which ensures that everyone has the same rights regardless of gender, has not been ratified since it was first submitted in...

Words: 1204

Pages: 5

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