Essays on Biography

Either you write your own biography essay or compose essays on some famous figure’s biography, you need to learn a thing or two on how biography essays are written. The biography should always start on the date and place of birth, as well as the place of upbringing. It's also important to go into considerable detail while addressing family history and background which will help understand the conditions in which a person was shaped. When you start with life’s path description, go over education and career. Significant portions of essays on biography concern with personal life descriptions and hobbies. Need more ideas? Take a browse through our biography essay samples – we picked various essay samples that cover different biography-themed essays you can check.

A Speech about Winston Churchill

In the family of the dukes of Marlborough in 1874, on 30 November and in 1965 on 24 Jan, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill was born. He was an official of the British government and served as Prime Minister between 1940 and 1945 and also in the UK between 1951 and 1955....

Words: 692

Pages: 3

Napoleon Bonaparte's Biography

Napoleon Bonaparte wasn't born in a situation to take power simply. He had Corsican noble origins, born in 1769 (Schom, 1998). Originally, Napoleon had surpassed hatred for his country, unaware that he would be the leader many years later. Even though Napoleon's prospects to ascend to leadership can be counted...

Words: 2274

Pages: 9


A great and humble artist named Antoni Gaudi, was an extraordinary architect and even though he did not for once create his own artistic school, he has many achievements. Many painters all over the world have been inspired by his views on art and architects. Whenever you speak of this...

Words: 3023

Pages: 11

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