Essays on Australia

Australia's Youth Unemployment

Australia's Youth Unemployment After the Great Recession, unemployment has risen. Underemployment and long-term jobs have also risen. Young people have done worse in the labor market since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) than the older population. In Australia, youth unemployment and NEET rates have appeared to be lower than in much...

Words: 1255

Pages: 5

The Industry of Beer Manufacturing

The aim of this specific study was to examine the beer industry in Australia in detail. This paper will be used as a case study by Carlton & United Braweries (CUB). The company's headquarters is in Melbourne Victoria, Australia, Carlton & United Braweries is a beer company operating as a...

Words: 1545

Pages: 6

Australian Indigenous Health Studies

Indigenous Australians: Culture and Colonization Indigenous Australians refer to a group of people of Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal descent who lived in Australia before the colonial period. Indigenous Australians, like most people, had their own culture of togetherness among family or community members. The land was also valued as a...

Words: 1127

Pages: 5

Creative Brief: Sukin – Australian Natural Skincare

Sukin - Australian Natural Skincare, an Australian cosmetics company, was created in 2007 with the aim of creating an inexpensive environmentally friendly, and natural skincare solution. The company, which was established in Melbourne, Australia, aims to provide environmentally friendly solutions. One of the primary motivations for Sukin ads is to...

Words: 801

Pages: 3

In The Park Poem

"In The Park" by Gwen Harwood Introduction "In The Park" is an fascinating poem written by Gwen Harwood from Australia and a known poet. The poet was delivered up in Brisbane but born in the suburb of Taringa. The poet has a taste of writing poems with the focus of girls in...

Words: 595

Pages: 3

Australian Criminal Justice System

Under the national government of Australia, the territories have the responsibility and powers to the majority of social problems affecting the residents. The parliament has the authority to make laws on these social issues. Legislative powers of criminal justice are given to the six states and two territories. Thus, there...

Words: 2415

Pages: 9

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