Essays on Alzheimer'S Disease

Cognitive Decline in Late Adulthood

In the course of our lives, most individuals develop cognitive reasoning critical in their social functioning both with family and at the workplace. As people age into their 60s, the aging process results in changes in both cognitive and social capabilities. Research by Hunt " Wolverson (2015) suggests that these...

Words: 1806

Pages: 7

Mental Health Support

The first hypothetical situation The first hypothetical situation is for a 55 year old wife developed an early Dementia – Alzhiemers. The Dementia – Alzhiemers is a disease that relates to the malfunction of the brain which results to loss of memory, lack of proper thinking and uncontrolled behavior. The family began...

Words: 591

Pages: 3

The movie ‘Still Alice’

The film Still Alice The film Still Alice depicts the life of a lady whose sense of self is undermined after being diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer s disease. Alice Howland, a linguistics professor, is a successful scholar, wife, and mother at the age of 50. She has...

Words: 758

Pages: 3

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