Essays on Alaska

Eruptions of volcanoes

Volcano Eruptions Volcano eruptions occur when lava and gas are exposed from a volcanic vent. Because of the flow of lava, this generates movement of people around the volcano, as well as landslides. Types of Eruptions The most destructive type of eruption is known as an avalanche. The incandescent magma that erupts is...

Words: 1315

Pages: 5

The Inuit People

The Inuit are indigenous communities who have survived and managed the Arctic regions. They occupy components of Northern and Eastern Alaska, northern portions of Canada, and Greenland. The Inuit territory in Canada is called Nunavut, an place about two million square kilometers wide. This section of Canada had been formally...

Words: 1823

Pages: 7

state of Alaska emergency operation

Understanding the Situation My class assignment is to study and critique the 2016 emergency activity in the state of Alaska. Understanding the situation is the planning phase stage that will assist me most with my project. This phase requires the detection of a specific place s dangers and risks. The method...

Words: 683

Pages: 3

John Luther Adam's Become Ocean Review

Adam Luther is an American writer whose composition is enthused by nature particularly the sceneries of Alaska where he lived. Music that John Luther Adams writes lacks human emotions traces. It is implacable, process, but always is a lovely lot in its precise ways. Through ‘Become Ocean’ Adams won an...

Words: 632

Pages: 3

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