Expository Essays

The secret trick to consider for your expository essay paper is studying your prompt before you start. The aim of expository writing is to explain something to your target audience by providing specific examples or illustrations. Our essay examples will help you to see how it works in practice and what kind of methods are used. You can turn to the investigation approach or use argumentation to defend your explanation. The use of sources, as can be seen from our paper samples, is not obligatory if it is not statistical information or any external reference to support your words. Remember to use proper structure in your expository essay and proofread every part aloud to ensure that it sounds clear and credible.

The Ethics of Physician-Patient Confidentiality

Hospitals hold an ethics clause against sharing patient’s information against third parties. The understanding is that no matter what the patient speaks to the doctor, the doctor is not allowed to share the information with third parties. In the article, “Should I Protect a Patient at the expense of an...

Words: 315

Pages: 2

Let America Be America Again

“Let America be America again” is a poem by Langston Hughes which depicts all the distinct cultures and races in America and how it normally ends with the rich and powerful overpowering other races. Hughes was one of the greatest contributors to Harlem Renaissance. He lived in an era where...

Words: 2064

Pages: 8

Gender Inequality in Workplaces

I chose to write on gender inequality in workplaces since it was a pressing issue in my previous working place. It was superficial that women were discriminated in workplaces which makes them feel sort of lesser human beings. Despite the constitution’s laws instituted for protection against gender inequality, there has...

Words: 1186

Pages: 5

Use of Machines in Organizations

The book by Linda McQuaig believes that the existence of machines is killing people and their abilities to work. She also views robots as having been sent to destroy humankind as their performance is killing people. Robots, drones, and computers, according to Linda is working against humankind as their presence...

Words: 921

Pages: 4

The Impact of Tourism on the Environment

Negative Impacts of Tourism on the Environment Nations with tourist attraction sites have benefited from the income that tourism contributes to the economy through employment, foreign exchange earnings, and growth of service sectors (Postma and Schmuecker, 145). However, tourism may also result in adverse outcomes in the environment, communities, natural resources,...

Words: 1287

Pages: 5

Child Marriages in South Sudan

Governmental authorities and global organizations such as UNICEF have set a specified legal marriageable age. Usually, this age bracket lies within what is referred to as the age of sexual consent (in many countries, eighteen-year-old citizens are considered to be ready for marriage). Although various societies have their own perceptions...

Words: 1805

Pages: 7

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