Creative Essays

As the only essay type that makes it possible to go beyond one’s grading rubric, creative writing asks for a great narration or anything that you may present as something creative. Since it is not that easy for most students, we recommend checking our essay examples that will boost your brain and inspire you to start. As always, good ideas for such essays may include telling about something imaginary or thinking about the future. Some paper samples even talk about being a president for a day or discuss the outer space aliens’ visit. The possibilities are truly endless, so do not limit yourself and remember that you should still follow a clear plot that has an introduction, a strong idea, and a conclusion with a lesson!

Benefits of Customer Relationship Management

The Transportation Management System is of great importance for logistics management in today’s information times. TMS has its shortcomings, but its benefits for an organization are more significant and have a lasting impact (Helmke, 2012). The Customer Relationship Management is the integration of people, technology, and processes which have evolved...

Words: 3294

Pages: 12

How Higher Education and IGE Contribute to Global Citizenship

Higher education and IGE play a vital role in improving the behavior of students and in improving the society. In many countries, it is the responsibility of higher institutions to contribute to the progress of good values in the democracy. It is no secret that universities are viewed as centers...

Words: 1178

Pages: 5

Identity Theft: A Computer User's Nightmare

Understanding Identity Theft Every computer user should understand how identity theft takes place and which information to protect to avoid being an identity theft victim. Currently there many cases of identity theft and unless a computer user employs measures to protect his/her information, he may be at risk of identity theft....

Words: 757

Pages: 3

Importance of Physical Fitness

Physical Fitness and Its Importance Physical fitness is defined as the capability to perform day to day activities without excessive fatigue while reserving energy that is enough for emergencies. Physical fitness depends on the ability of the heart to effectively pump blood and the capacity of cells to generate energy. It...

Words: 1908

Pages: 7

Relationship between Father and Child

In the two stories, authors do thereby express a relationship with their parents and more so to their fathers during their childhood passage and as they grow up eventually. Both fathers had strong appealing love towards the child. The content will discuss and compare the fathers love to their young...

Words: 1131

Pages: 5

Influencing Machine: The Media as a Mirror of Society

The Influencing Machine The whole discussion on the Influencing Machine majorly addresses the encounters of the mainstream media in undertaking their day to day roles. The Influencing Machine is said to have been started from the time of the invention of writing and will end approximately in the year 2045. It...

Words: 378

Pages: 2

Mental Illness among Teenagers and Adolescents

The interview for funding and authorization The interview was conducted at the office of the Mayor on a Thursday afternoon on the topic of funding for the construction of a resource/rehabilitation center for teenagers and adolescents struggling with mental diseases. Many teenagers and adolescents are struggling with mental diseases such as...

Words: 573

Pages: 3

The Importance of Love in Leadership

Leadership and Respect Leadership is characterized by the responsibility of offering guidance and direction to those being led. In many spheres of life, leaders are instrumental in guiding people to achieve a specific result or reach a certain objective. However, it is not easy to lead since those being led can...

Words: 600

Pages: 3

The Birth of My Child

I recall with clarity in mind the day that entirely turned around my life. Finally, the moment that I had dreaded for long got up with me. I couldn’t help but release my emotions to roam my mind. My armpits soaked my shirts as my heart palpitates vigorously as if...

Words: 287

Pages: 2

Akutagawa Ryunosuke

The Evils of Society The evils of the society have been growing each day. The literary works of Akutagawa were precise to address these evils. They determined how and why this evil is persistently being progressively toxic to the society and how difficult it is to determine the truth. Rashomon (Akutagawa 212) This...

Words: 1475

Pages: 6

Moral Panic in The Reaction of Australians to Asylum Seekers

The issue of illegal immigration and increased number of asylum seekers The issue of illegal immigration and increased number of asylum seekers has caused hysteria in the Australian public. Several boats carrying asylum seekers have arrived into the country in the recent past, causing significant concern among members of Australian communities....

Words: 1496

Pages: 6

Baseball and Life

We all make choices. For the person we are today is the subtotal of the all the choices we have made.  Choices have benefits and consequences. Sitting around, slugging it out at our own pace seems like the most comfortable way to live. When we look at the consequences of...

Words: 1513

Pages: 6

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