Decision Making and Internal Communication

The Nature of Internal Communication

The participants' participation determines the nature of internal communication in an organization. These two modes of communication are vertical and horizontal (at the same level) (boss-employee). The process of making decisions is similar. When speaking with the boss, a worker adopts a condescending tone (Garvin & Roberto, 2005). The focus of an employee's defense is the significance of his recommendation to the company. The personality of the employer will ultimately determine whether the employee uses statistical evidence to support his claims. An informal conversation may be used to discuss this. The employee is free to continue and express his ideas or suggestions in writing using graphs and charts. The official demonstration would increase the chances of the manager accepting an employee's proposal.

Communication Among Peers

Communication among peers in an organization may take either a formal or an informal nature. Decision making among peers is usually more difficult. Peers are usually reluctant to accept new ideas, especially when previous plans failed to solve the organization's problems. Persuading peers, therefore, requires that an employee offers a persuasive presentation to win over his peers. Familiarization and admiration often play a part in the reception or rejection of a proposal among peers (Garvin & Roberto, 2005).

Successful Persuasion of Subordinates

Successful persuasion of subordinates requires trust and respect. Respected leaders often have an easy time persuading subordinates of their proposals as they convince their subordinates that they are serious. Seeking the views of the juniors improves teamwork and coordination and makes the subordinates feel that they are part of the organization (Garvin & Roberto, 2005). Besides enhancing the teamwork spirit, the subordinates feel that they are valued by their leaders and as a result trust them.


Garvin, D. A., Roberto, M. A. (2005). Change through persuasion. Harvard Business Review, 83(2), 104-112.

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